To run this on your Wii, you will need to install the Homebrew Channel. Once installed, rename gnuboy_wii.dol as boot.dol and copy this file on your SD card, in /apps/gnuboy for example. Icon.png and meta.xml should also be placed in the same directory.

ROMS can be loaded from a SDCARD, either through a SD-adapter in MCARD slot (Gamecube version only), or through the native Wii SD slot (WIi version only). ROMS must be copied on your SDCARD in the following directory: /gnuboy/roms.

Gnuboy Gx Channel Installer

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hello! recently i got a wii and i had to delete everything and update, its already almost done with but i still need help with the usb loader channel, i dont want a forwarder, i need a full channel for it

This package does not have a graphical user interface (GUI) and needs to be used purely from a Terminal. Confusingly enough the command to run Gnuboy-x is actually xgnuboy and the options are as follows:

1. Added a new No Copy Flag code patch, now removes all types of save game to SD copy protection, so now works with games such as GH3 and Virtual console game saves with save states etc. (Patch by Kenobi & Brkirch)

2. Can move DVD channel! (Patch by Pizzaboy)

Note: We recommend the use of thisshell installer script to install Guix on top of a running GNU/Linux system,thereafter called a foreign distro.4 The script automates thedownload, installation, and initial configuration of Guix. It should be runas the root user.

Note: We recommend the use of thisshell installer script. The script automates the download, installation, andinitial configuration steps described below. It should be run as the rootuser. As root, you can thus run this:

The graphical installer is available on TTY1. You can obtain root shells onTTYs 3 to 6 by hitting ctrl-alt-f3, ctrl-alt-f4, etc. TTY2 showsthis documentation and you can reach it with ctrl-alt-f2. Documentationis browsable using the Info reader commands (see Stand-alone GNU Info). The installation system runs the GPM mouse daemon,which allows you to select text with the left mouse button and to paste itwith the middle button.

Going further: See Invoking guix pull, for more information. See Channels, onhow to specify additional channels to pull packages from, how toreplicate Guix, and more. You may also find time-machinehandy (see Invoking guix time-machine).

However, note that the output of this command approximates whatwas actually used to build this profile. In particular, a singleprofile might have been built from several different revisions of thesame channel. In that case, --export-manifest chooses the lastone and writes the list of other revisions in a comment. If you reallyneed to pick packages from different channel revisions, you can useinferiors in your manifest to do so (see Inferiors).

Read the list of channels from file instead of~/.config/guix/channels.scm or /etc/guix/channels.scm.file must contain Scheme code thatevaluates to a list of channel objects. See Channels, for moreinformation.

Display news written by channel authors for their users for changes madesince the previous generation (see Writing Channel News).When --details is passed, additionally display new and upgradedpackages.

By default, this prints information about the channels used in eachrevision as well as the corresponding news entries. If you pass--details, it will also print the list of packages added andupgraded in each generation compared to the previous one.

By default, guix pull authenticates code downloaded fromchannels by verifying that its commits are signed by authorizeddevelopers, and raises an error if this is not the case. This optioninstructs it to not perform any such verification.

The channel mechanism allows you to instruct guix pull whichrepository and branch to pull from, as well as additional repositoriescontaining package modules that should be deployed. See Channels, for moreinformation.

The guix time-machine command provides access to otherrevisions of Guix, for example to install older versions of packages,or to reproduce a computation in an identical environment. The revisionof Guix to be used is defined by a commit or by a channeldescription file created by guix describe(see Invoking guix describe).

Note: The history of Guix is immutable and guix time-machineprovides the exact same software as they are in a specific Guixrevision. Naturally, no security fixes are provided for old versionsof Guix or its channels. A careless use of guix time-machineopens the door to security vulnerabilities. See --allow-downgrades.

Guix and its package collection are updated by running guix pull(see Invoking guix pull). By default guix pull downloads anddeploys Guix itself from the official GNU Guix repository. This can becustomized by defining channels in the~/.config/guix/channels.scm file. A channel specifies a URL and branchof a Git repository to be deployed, and guix pull can be instructedto pull from one or more channels. In other words, channels can be usedto customize and to extend Guix, as we will see below.Guix is able to take into account security concerns and deal with authenticatedupdates.

Note that the snippet above is (as always!) Scheme code; we use cons toadd a channel the list of channels that the variable %default-channelsis bound to (see cons and lists in GNU Guile ReferenceManual). With this file in place, guix pull builds not only Guixbut also the package modules from your own repository. The result in~/.config/guix/current is the union of Guix with your own packagemodules:

Given the channels.scm file, the command above will always fetchthe exact same Guix instance, then use that instance to run theexact same Python (see Invoking guix shell). On any machine, at anytime, it ends up running the exact same binaries, bit for bit.

The guix pull and guix time-machine commandsauthenticate the code retrieved from channels: they make sure eachcommit that is fetched is signed by an authorized developer. The goalis to protect from unauthorized modifications to the channel that wouldlead users to run malicious code.

As a user, you must provide a channel introduction in yourchannels file so that Guix knows how to authenticate its first commit.A channel specification, including its introduction, looks somethingalong these lines:

For the main channel, called guix, you automatically get thatinformation from your Guix installation. For other channels, includethe channel introduction provided by the channel authors in yourchannels.scm file. Make sure you retrieve the channelintroduction from a trusted source since that is the root of your trust.

When running guix pull, Guix will first compile thedefinitions of every available package. This is an expensive operationfor which substitutes (see Substitutes) may be available. Thefollowing snippet in channels.scm will ensure that guixpull uses the latest commit with available substitutes for the packagedefinitions: this is done by querying the continuous integrationserver at

As a channel author, consider bundling authentication material with yourchannel so that users can authenticate it. See Channel Authentication, and Specifying Channel Authorizations, for infoon how to do it.

Channel authors may decide to augment a package collection provided by otherchannels. They can declare their channel to be dependent on other channels ina meta-data file .guix-channel, which is to be placed in the root ofthe channel repository.

In the above example this channel is declared to depend on two other channels,which will both be fetched automatically. The modules provided by the channelwill be compiled in an environment where the modules of all these declaredchannels are available.

This authentication rule creates a chicken-and-egg issue: how do weauthenticate the first commit? Related to that: how do we deal withchannels whose repository history contains unsigned commits and lack.guix-authorizations? And how do we fork existing channels?

Channel introductions answer these questions by describing the firstcommit of a channel that should be authenticated. The first time achannel is fetched with guix pull or guixtime-machine, the command looks up the introductory commit and verifiesthat it is signed by the specified OpenPGP key. From then on, itauthenticates commits according to the rule above. Authentication failsif the target commit is neither a descendant nor an ancestor of theintroductory commit.

This allows guix pull to determine whether it is pulling codefrom a mirror of the channel; when that is the case, it warns the userthat the mirror might be stale and displays the primary URL. That way,users cannot be tricked into fetching code from a stale mirror that doesnot receive security updates.

Instead, channels can provide a news file; when the channel usersrun guix pull, that news file is automatically read andguix pull --news can display the announcements that correspondto the new commits that have been pulled, if any.

While the news file is using the Scheme syntax, avoid naming it with a.scm extension or else it will get picked up when building thechannel and yield an error since it is not a valid module.Alternatively, you can move the channel module to a subdirectory andstore the news file in another directory.

The guix git authenticate command authenticates a Git checkoutfollowing the same rule as for channels (see channel authentication). That is, starting from a given commit, itensures that all subsequent commits are signed by an OpenPGP key whosefingerprint appears in the .guix-authorizations file of itsparent commit(s).

You will find this command useful if you maintain a channel. But infact, this authentication mechanism is useful in a broader context, soyou might want to use it for Git repositories that have nothing to dowith Guix.

Note: Manifests are symbolic: they refer to packages of the channelscurrently in use (see Channels). In the example above,gcc-toolchain might refer to version 11 today, but it might referto version 13 two years from now.

Finally, some packages do not have these files and use a somewhat standardlocation for its build system. In that case, the build system will runocaml pkg/ or ocaml pkg/ and take care ofproviding the path to the required findlib module. Additional flags canbe passed via the #:build-flags key. Install is taken care of byopam-installer. In this case, the opam package mustbe added to the native-inputs field of the package definition. 589ccfa754

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