
Event Schedule (Updates ongoing)

Friday December 10: Site Opens 5:00

Check in will close at 10 pm, if you will arrive later than 10pm, please contact the Autocrat so arrangements can be made for Covid Safe check and check in.

Saturday December 12: Gate opens 8:00 am

Court: 10 am

Heavy Weapons Tourney: 11 am

Rapier Tourney: 11 am

Archery: Field opens after Court

Archery Tourney: 1:30 pm

Thrown Weapons field open 1 pm - 1:30 then 2:30-3pm

A&S opening: 9 am

Beading and Needlework Solar: After Morning Court

Mari Lwyd Smackdown Challenge: 2pm

Gate closes: 2pm

Baronial Populace meeting 3pm

Evening Court: 4PM

Feast: 2pm - 5 pm Dayboard Style

Sunday: Site closes 12:00 pm

Heavy Weapons Tourney

There will be 4 different weapons forms fought at Yule Toy. Weapon and Shield, Great Weapon, Dual Weapon, and Polearm. The 5th, and final form is a mx of all 4 forms. The winner of each form will be pitted against one another.

To fight, you not only need to have 1 new, unwrapped toy as your event entry fee to the event, but a toy per form you wish to participate in.

Rapier Tourney


Thrown Weapons


Mari Lywd Smackdown Challenge

Thus saith the Mari Llwd:

“While coward you within your rooms

In terror of the plague,

‘Tis I that crept, as from the tombs,

‘Tis I, you now must beg!

Your Baroness is now my . . . ”guest”

And ever more shall be -

Unless in battle, me, you best,

If you would set her free!

With insults couched in rhyme and verse

We’ll jab and trade and spar.

‘Tis only then you’ll lift my curse,

If good enough, you are.

So, come prepared with several darts,

Each one with lines, but few,

And I, to wound your mortal hearts,

Shall likewise wait for you…”

Winter Folklore poem setting:

Create a written poem or song abut your favorite piece of Winter Folklore, and present it with a visual display: drawings, carvings, sculpture or any visual item that evokes your theme

Toy Tourney for the Toy Tourney:

Toys have been with us since we have walked upright! Brig us your favorite period toy or game! How is it played? Where would we find it i period?

Lessons Learned

We all start somewhere. Show us your first piece of a new art and tell us what you learned from the experience.

Newcomer A&S Participation Challenge.

It is a very simple challenge: be a newcomer and make something for the official A&S display or competition at each event. It can be an entry in one of the competitions, a work in progress or open display. Any attempt at a period art or science will do, or even something to hide or disguise a mundane object as part of your SCA kit. Documentation not required (for this challenge, at least). If you have been playing in the SCA less than three years you are eligible. Just see Lady Hextilda, who is running the A&S at the event, and fill out the entry form she gives you. The prize will be determined by a blind drawing, so the skill level of your work doesn't matter for this challenge. Everyone has to start somewhere! - Sponsored by Baroness Delia


Adair of Makyswell will be hosting a Beading and Needlework Solar at Yule Toy Tourney Saturday the 11th of December and anticipating that we shall gather after morning court. We shall have such treasures such as Hot Chocolate and tea’s so bring your favorite mug or cup to partake the pleasures of such beverages and it might be amazing with small tidbits of delights for you to enjoy. Think of all that you could accomplish while either beading or doing embroideries for the Holidays.


Due to Covid rules we will be handling feast a little differently. The Feast will be served as a Sideboard between 2-5 pm, participants may choose to be seated at a table in the hall, or may take their food onto the porch or field side.


Morning Court 10 AM

Evening Court 4pm

And the Annual Nottinghill Coill Snowball fight!!

Sunday December 12: Site closes at 12:00