Modern physics incorporates Einstein's general relativity and quantum mechanics. The former associates gravity with the bending of spacetime, and the latter explains characteristic properties of matters at short distances. According to general relativity, the spacetime curves due to the existence of matters, and matters indicate quantum characteristics at short distances. Therefore, gravity is supposed to show quantum mechanical effects, and those effects would become important around the Planck scale. The theory that describes quantum effects of gravity, quantum gravity, is my field of research. I mainly study quantum gravity based on statistical mechanical approaches, e.g. dynamical triangulations.


My research articles can be found below:

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS (organized by myself and my friends):

"Physics and Mathematics of Discrete Geometries

Nagoya University, Japan, 5-9 November, 2018

This interdisciplinary workshop, co-organized by Luca LIONNI, aimed at gathering physicists and mathematicians working on topics related to "discrete geometries" and sharing ideas and techniques to push new frontiers. The workshop was funded by Building of Consortia for Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology (MEXT) and Nagoya University

"Bangkok workshop on Discrete Geometry, Dynamics and Statistics

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

This is a series of international workshops held at Chulalongkorn University at some point in January once a year since 2017, aiming at bringing together a number of research lines in mathematical physics and related sciences involving discrete statistical systems. This includes random geometries, random graphs, lattice systems and a variety of other mathematical structures emerging in the discrete statistical physics context. The organizers are Luca LIONNI, Oleg EVNIN, Stéphane DARTOIS, Thiparat CHOTIBUT, Auttakit CHATRABHUTI and me.