Contact Me

   Next Steps: Actively Job Searching

During the course of MPH, I learned how strategic planning and program implementation functions in the public sector and strengthened my analytics skills. My recent projects are conducted in the intersection of public health and business, in which I put to use the skills above and grasp how an organization will best position itself in the market to deliver value for all stakeholders.

I am a skilled professional with strong work ethics, passions for innovation, and eagerness to learn. I have worked with subject matter experts and people across different academic disciplines in order to develop solutions based on what the projects demanded from me. I enjoyed working alongside a team to push forward change and create actionable insights for clients through extensive research and analysis of data. 

My short-term career interest is consulting for businesses in biopharma and health systems. The health policy-related training allows me to help businesses contextualize the regulatory landscape in order to achieve efficient implementation and operations. Long term, I am aiming to increase impact by stepping into venture capital investment or social entrepreneurship in the healthcare industry. 

         You can reach me via email, cellphone, or the contact form above

Currently based in Nashville, TN


Phone: 319-471-1628