Welcome to Yueqian's Zone

As an environmental engineer, I was a research assistant at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering of Duke University between 2018-2022. My research interests include but are not limited to snow hydrology, microwave remote sensing.

I was born in Nantong, Jiangsu, China, and I received the B.S. in June 2010 from the College of Atmospheric Sciences of Lanzhou University, China. Before joining Duke, I worked as a research assistant for 3 years in the Key Laboratory for Semi-Arid Climate Change, Ministry of Education, China.

In 2014, I was an exchange student at the University of Reading, UK by receiving the Outstanding Undergraduate Exchange Program Scholarship from the China Scholarship Council.

You can find my CV here.


Contact Information

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA