I lecture frequently to academic, business, civil society, public policy, and US-China communities, on the themes of Chinese political economy, China and the world, and innovation. Below is a selection of my talks. 

"How the West and Beijing Got China Wrong," Camden Conference, Will this Be China's Century?, 2018. Organized by local volunteers in Camden. 

Remarks at the issue launch of "Can China Keep Rising", Foreign Affairs, 2021. Moderated by Daniel Kurtz-Phelan. 

"The Real China Model: What Other Developing Countries Should Learn from China?" Keynote Lecture at United Nations-UNDP Cambodia 

Center for Global Development, The Future of Development Series - China, 2021. 

See my slides here

Three principles

Remarks at "Can China's BRI and G7's B3W Coexist in Africa?" Organized by the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace Africa Program. 

Lecture at the Fiduciary Investors' Symposium, Harvard University, 2018 

"Beijing's Real Achilles Heel: It's Not the Economy." 

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