Current Course (Spring 2025)
Math 620, Introduction to Elementary Differential Geometry
Previous Courses
Wichita State University:
Math 829V- Geometric Analysis (graduate topic course) -- Spring 24
Math 829T, Differentiable Manifolds ---- Spring 21
Math 820, Riemannian Geometry ---- Spring 23
Math 720, Modern Geometry ---- Spring 20, Fall 22
Math 621, Elementary Geometry ---- Fall 19, Fall 20, Fall 21, Fall 24
Math 580B, Introduction to Elementary Differential Geometry --- Spring 22
Math 511, Linear Algebra ---- Spring 19, Fall 19, Spring 20, Fall 20, Spring 21, Fall 21
Math 555, Differential Equations I ---- Fall 18, Spring 19, Spring 22, Spring 23, Fall 23, Spring 24
Math 625 (previously 525), Elementary Topology ---- Fall 22, Fall 23, Fall 24
Princeton University:
Math 175, Multi-variable Calculus for Econ & Life Sciences ---- Fall 17, Spring 18 (Course Head)
University of Michigan:
Math 115, Calculus I ---- Fall 14, Fall 16, Spring 17
Math 215, Calculus III ---- Winter 15, Fall 15, Winter 17
University of Notre Dame:
Math 10360, Calculus B for Life & Social Sciences ---- Spring 11, Spring 12