
I am a reviewer for 25 journals on biology and mathematics.

I generally write code with Python and Matlab. R and Mathematica are occasionally used.

In 2018, I received the Boeing Research Award from the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington.

Services at Peking University: During 2011-2013, I was a chief librarian of the Undergraduate Reading Room, School of Mathematical Sciences. During 2010-2012, I was a senior librarian at the Yuanpei Library. During 2009-2013, I was a coordinator for mathematics-majored students at Yuanpei College.

My Erdős number is 4.

My name in Chinese is 王(wáng)越(yuè). The family name Wang is very common in China (around 100 million Chinese have this family name). Although I have some collaborators with this family name, they are not my relatives.

I lived in France for three years, but I failed to learn French. (Pardon. Je ne peux pas parler français. Voulez-vous parler anglais?)

I like reading books (literature, history, social science, etc.), visiting national parks (57/63 visited) and art museums (especially for impressionism paintings).