Google Workplace

With Google Workplace, you can easily set up and manage your small business online. The platform offers user-friendly tools to help you plan your work and showcase your products to potential customers. From design to production, Google Workplace supports creativity and productivity. For tips on presenting and displaying your work to customers, you can check out the resources available on the platform's website.

Website Maintenance

As a webmaster, it is my responsibility to design and maintain the website, manage its content, and ensure that it is informative and performs well for users. I need to stay current with the latest web technologies and best practices to create an engaging and compelling website. Here are the websites that I have made and continue to maintain:


網頁設計Easy go! 

[Google sites 教學工作坊]

Google sites友善的網域設計製作環境,讓不會設計的你能夠在短時間建立屬於自己的線上品牌! 規劃屬於自己的產品及服務,讓更多人能夠透過網站,了解你所提供的服務及價值。Google sites完全不需要你學習各種程式語言或是設計相關背景來建立網站,你只需要動動手指,劃分各個不同的區塊,發揮你的想像力,就能夠完美呈現你的網站,並開始展示你的作品及建立線上服務中心與你的客戶做聯繫。不管你是要『寫部落格』、『行銷家教課程』、『建立自我品牌』還是『學習網路行銷操作』,此次的Google sites教學工作坊不只是要教你怎們用Google Workplace,講師將帶你手把手『整合及活用強大Google Workplace』!現在報名就能夠了解更多Google Workplace的更多應用!讓Google成為你學習及工作的好朋友!並自己建立網站開始行銷自我,讓你可以在未來學習或是職場生活更順利!




活動時間:10:00 ~ 12:00

活動地點: 線上講座為免費報名,線上講座採用Cisco Webex線上會議室(支援手機、平板及電腦等裝置),講座前一個禮拜將發送會議連結至您的信箱。


