Owen Yu-Chen Lin

National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Bachelor's Degree, Major in Computer Science of Information Engineering

    • Fall 2018 - present

    • GPA: 4.20 /4.30

    • RANK: 1 / 47

National Yilan Senior High School, Yilan, Taiwan


Teaching Assistant, Computer Programming Course, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (Sep. 2020─Jan. 2021)

  • Assist in coursework and examination proposition

  • Provide academic consultation

  • Evaluation: 4.74 / 5.00

Research Assistant, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (Apr. 2020─Dec. 2020)

  • Development of Science and Technology Teaching Aids

  • Planning Science and Technology Education Activities (Xing-An Elementary School [April 2019], A Exchange Activities in Technology Application and Human Resource Development [May 2020])

  • Set up Course Website, and Google Drive

  • Write Syllabus and Final Reports

  • Paper (Springer Link), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2nd Author, Using Arduino In Service Learning To Engage Pre-service STEM Teachers Into Collaborative Learning, Yu-Liang Ting, Yu-Chen Lin, Shin-Ping Tsai, and Yaming Tai (Winter 2020)

  • Sharer (PDF), HCI International 2020, Novel Approaches to Learning, TUE, 21 JULY


  • Bronze Award, ACM-ICPC Taipei-Hsinchu City Regional (Oct. 2020)

  • 3rd Prize, Information Technology Software Academy (ITSA) 75rd Verification (Dec. 2019)

  • 28th Prize, ACM-ICPC Taipei-Hsinchu City Regional (Oct. 019)

  • Finalists, National Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC) (Oct. 2019)

  • Excellent Grades, Information Technology Software Academy (ITSA) 73rd Competition (Aug. 2019)

  • 2nd Prize, Innovative Design of Teaching Material Competition (Jun. 2019)


Applying "threat space" promotes the MCTS algorithm in mini-shogi, C++, SDL (Summer 2020 - present)

  • Develop a system with a graphical interface and an internal decision algorithm

"Take 6!” board game on the terminal, C (May 2020 - Jun. 2020)

  • Simulate the “Take 6!” rule on the terminal or other interfaces

  • Support 2-10 playing, 3 agent levels, store and read progress, and other variant rules

A Graph on a website based on WebGL, JavaScript, WebGL (Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2021)

  • A image with 3D objects, local illumination, cube, dynamic reflection, cubemap(skybox)


  • Organizer, A Final Result Presentation of National Taiwan Ocean University and National Taiwan Normal University, “Voyage” (Winter 2018)

  • Organizer, A Final Result Presentation of National Taiwan Ocean University and National Taiwan Normal University, “Atmosphere” (Summer 2019)

  • Participant, Programming Training, “Live while we’re young” (Summer 2019)

  • Promoter & College Student for Environmental Plastic Reduction (Leader of Month), Honors College, April 2020.

  • Organizer, A Science And Technology Education Exchange And Discuss Activities in National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU), Technology Application and Human Resource Development (TAHRD) (May 2020)


  • Programming Language:C/C++, Shell Script, Python, JavaScript

  • Graphical Interface:SDL, WebGL

  • Tools & Others:Git, Vim, Markdown

  • Operating System:Linux, MacOS, Window


  • Departmental Development Scholarship (Nov. 2018, Jan. 2019, Mar. 2019)

  • Moral Education Award (May. 2020, Dec. 2019)

  • Best Cooperation Award (Dec. 2019, Oct. 2020)

  • Academic Achievement Award (Apr. 2019)