
Our research group is part of Laboratory for Disordered Materials at Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University and conducts original research and teaching. We work in the field of functional amorphous materials and glass science and technology. We are engaged in training young scientists in this field. Our particular interests are in the following subjects: 

Recent events

International Year of Glass Symposium

On May 18 2021 the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved the resolution to declare the year 2022 “The International Year of Glass (IYOG)”. This is the first time that UN has given such a recognition to a specific material and celebrate the vital role that glass has played and will continue to play in the advancement of human society.  

On May 18-19 of 2022, Aalborg University (AAU) hosted the international symposium to celebrate IYOG and the essential role of contemporary glass in all its forms. This event was organized by the Danish Ceramic Society, Rockwool International, Glasindustrie and AAU. With this symposium, we focus on the activities taking place in the Nordic countries.

Glass Congress

In connection to IYOG, the Scandinavia Glass Association (Glasindustrien) organized a glass congress in Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark, November 22, 2022. The aim of this congress is to address the role of glass in developing a sustainable society, particularly in a green transition of modern buildings. The speakers from both industry and academia delivered interesting presentations that cover a large range of topics related to glass and sustainable buildings.