
I supervise both Bachelor and Master theses that are written in English only.

I could offer the following topics:

Resource booms / Dutch diseases:

· Local effects and spillover impacts of resource booms on labor market, health, well-being, prices, in the short and long run.

· Mining activities and local conflicts.

Natural disasters:

· The impact of natural disasters (flooding, drought, earthquakes, or any other income shocks) in the short run and long run.

· The speed of recovery and post-disaster relief and reconstruction programs.

Demography and sex ratios:

· From a historical perspective, whether there have been “missing women” phenomenon in Europe or Asia.

· The consequences of unbalanced sex ratios.

Gender inequality and discrimination / harmful gender norms:

· Measurements of gender discrimination.

· The consequences of gender discrimination.

· The trend of spousal age gap and causes of the change.

· Female genital cutting and causes in Africa.

Real estate booms / house prices or rents:

· Consequences of rising real estate prices (e.g. on occupational choice, crime, etc).

· What influences real estate booms and busts.

Program evaluation / randomized controlled trials:

· A review into the RCTs and see what works and what did not work, and why.

· Comparison between the hard and soft interventions.

· Target women or men?

Financial literacy:

· Measurements of financial literacy

· Gender gaps in financial literacy and why.

· How to improve the effectiveness of financial education programs.

· Willingness-to-use mobile money in Uganda.

· Time preference and financial behaviors.


· Government restrictions and governmental trust.

· Gender differences in governmental trust during COVID.

· Compliance of government policies and restrictions.

· Other impacts of COVID restrictions (on e.g. intimate partner violence, employment, household income, mental health).

For master students in RUB, if you would like to write an empirical paper using individual or firm microdata within the broad scope of labor economics, development economics, environmental economics, behavioral and experimental economics, Chinese economy, you could suggest any topic to me as well.