Wan Group

Welcome 欢迎

We are a group of condensed matter theorists based at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our main research interest is magnetism, a fascinating research subject that is so ancient yet so new. While the remarkable property of lodestone was known to all ancient civilizations, the origin of magnetism wasn't understood until the advent of quantum mechanics in the 20th century. Crucial for modern technological wonders such as Maglev and magnetic resonance imaging, magnetism is also behind one of the nature's most profound mysteries.

Read more about our research here.

Join Us!

We welcome motivated, adventurous individuals to join us as graduate students and postdocs. We normally accept one graduate student per year. Graduate admission interviews start in spring. Postdoc interviews can be held at any time. We also encourage daring undergraduate students to do research with us. Drop us a line to find out more!

Contact Us

  • Principal Investigator: Yuan Wan 万源
  • Email: yuan.wan 在 iphy.ac.cn (replace the Chinese character 在 by "@").
  • Phone: +86-010-8264 9403
  • Physical Address: 8 Zhongguancun South 3rd Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, China.
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南三街8号100190.