Yuan Deng 邓原
Research Scientist
Google Research
Email: yuandeng0124 at gmail dot com
I am a Research Scientist in the Market Algorithms Group at Google Research.
My research is broadly situated at the interface between economics and computer science (a.k.a. algorithmic game theory), mainly including dynamic mechanism design (how to design auctions for online advertisement markets) and learning in economic environments (e.g. online pricing for strategic agents and/or learning agents).
I graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Duke University, where I had the fortune to be advised by Vincent Conitzer. My thesis was awarded an ACM SIGecom Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention) and an IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention).
During my Ph.D. study at Duke, I had also worked closely with Debmalya Panigrahi and Rong Ge, and I was supported by a Google Ph.D. Fellowship and a James B. Duke Fellowship. Before Duke University, I received a bachelor's degree from Yao Class at Tsinghua University, and I was a member of the Computational Economics Group, led by Pingzhong Tang.