In Review or Revision



Read article. a, Schematic representation of the processes enhancing the land carbon sink by stimulating biomass growth and supporting either larger trees or more individuals. b, The processes limiting the net land carbon sink by supporting fewer, smaller individuals. The past, present and future of the sink are determined by the combined result of enhancing and limiting processes.

Read article. Across-model spread in ecosystem C dynamics are shrinkage after standardizing parameter values. Simulated ecosystem C storage, net ecosystem production, and C residence time in the (a–c) original model run and (d–r) model runs after Steps 1–5, respectively. Origin model run indicates model simulations with the default parameter values. 

Read article. An inverted V-shaped relationship between fragmentation and development level was found at the landscape level and for cultivated land, in which both turning points (TPs) occurred in the mid-developed stage (ANLI = 41.1 and 20.0, respectively). Artificial surfaces tended to be more aggregated in later developed stages, showing a TP of ANLI around 53.2. 

Read article. National forest carbon monitoring system that involves (a) the training of CASA model to match biomass accumulation with stand development from the FIA data, and the use of that trained model to calculate carbon stocks and fluxes with stand age for each possible combination of forest-type, productivity level, pre-disturbance conditions, and disturbance type, (b) the determination of pixel‐level characteristics for all forested pixels across the Pacific Northwest (PNW) United States at a 30 m resolution, and the assignment of stand age, carbon stocks and fluxes for each 30 m forested pixels according to its specific attributes, and (c) the estimate of regional carbon stock balance, carbon stock potentials and emission risks using the WoodCarb II model.

Read article.  A new perturbed-parameter model ensemble with the CASA model to estimate surface biogenic carbon fluxes at monthly and 3-hourly scales for North America at ~500-m and 5-km resolutions.  The initial range for each parameter is broadly sampled for the L1 ensemble, but then we pruned Emax with site-level primary productivity to derive an L2 ensemble with narrower uncertainty ranges. Ensembles are strongly correlated with site-level results at both monthly and 3-hourly scales, and the spread across L1/L2 ensemble members encompasses the range of AmeriFlux observations. Monthly variability in the L2 ensemble mean is 85% of the observed variability. The L2 ensemble outperforms diverse data products with the highest Taylor skill scores at diurnal to annual scales.