

Competitive Programming

  • CODE FESTIVAL 2018 (90th / 1136 in the qualification round A, 56th / 100 in the main contest)

  • ACM-ICPC 2017 Asia Tsukuba Regional, team: sparsely_populated_regions, 30th / 50 teams.

    • passed Japan Online First-Round Contest, 35th / 358 teams. (Awarded because we placed in the top 10%.)

  • NJPC2017, writer (I hosted the contest with students at NAIST and JAIST.)

  • CODE FESTIVAL 2016 (154th / 973 in the qualification round C, 205th / 220 in the main contest)

  • DDCC2016 (Disco presents Discovery channel Code Contest) (75th / 517 in the qualification round, 49th / 100 in the main contest)

  • AtCoder: yurahuna (highest: 2006)

  • Codeforces: yurahuna (highest: 1951)

Fellowship and Scholarship