Communicating science

Why bother?

Communication skills are important for any career. For a scientist, communicating science is one of the keys to a successful career. A great deal of time is spent writing manuscripts and grant proposals, teaching, and/or delivering presentations.

Collection of presentation guidelines PLoS Computational Biology article called "Ten simple rules for effective presentation slides." Good overview of proper presentation. Contains my favorite presentation quote: "tell 'em what you're gonna to tell 'em, then tell 'em, then tell 'em what you've told 'em". A brief overview plus a great collection of links on planning, designing and delivering a presentation. Nice collection of public speaking tips.

Collection of scientific writing guidelines Excellent checklist for scientific writing. This is Coursera course called "Writing in the Sciences." The course is free if you just want to watch the videos, or you can pay and get access to all quizzes and assignments, and receive a certificate. Short, but summarizes the important points. Wikipedia entry for scientific writing. Good overview.