Research Achievements

My primary research interest has been the discovery of the Higgs boson and to search for new physics processes that can probe potential differences in the interactions of the different fermion flavours. To this end, I have been using the tau lepton as my primary tool: I have developed standard and low-momentum tau reconstruction algorithms [1, 2, 3]. I have pioneered a method for measuring tau polarization at the CMS [4]. I have served as coordinator of the tau-lepton identification group. Armed with this, I have made key contributions to several physics analyses, spanning from low-q2 to high-q2, that can be illuminated using the tau lepton (below, in brackets where appropriate, I write the names of students whom I [co-]supervised, in order to achieve each research project; please see my CV for more details);

My unique developments have pushed forward the frontier of physics capabilities in CMS and I was awarded the CMS young researcher’s prize in 2022 [17]. I represented the CMS collaboration in a high-profile plenary and invited talks at prestigious international conferences; as of October 2022, I have given 17 presentations including Moriond, LHCP, SUSY, and EPS conferences — please see my list of publications.

Detector development is also a core part of my research activities. Currently, I am involved in the phase-2 High-Luminosity LHC upgrade of the endcap pixel detector, called TEPX. In particular, using prototype pixel detector modules with a complete set of components (pixel modules, electrical readout, mechanics), I am working to establish quality assurance and quality control procedures as well as automated tuning and testing procedures [18]. In the past, I contributed to the earlier upgrade of the CMS pixel detector [19, 20] (2016), the upgrade of the CMS hadron calorimeter (2013), and the commissioning of the ATLAS muon trigger detector [21] (2006–2013).

Finally, I have served on the CMS analysis review committees for five different analyses, as well as serving as a referee for five scientific journals (EPJC, JHEP x 2, PLB and SciPost). I also contributed to the review processes of many CMS scientific papers through institutional reviews and collaboration-wide reviews.