
  • Concepts of Statistics (STAT 212), Spring 2023

  • Nonparametric Statistical Method (STAT 621), Spring 2023, Spring 2022

  • Introduction to Statistical Inference (STAT 310), Spring 2022

  • Nonparametric Statistical Method (STAT 423), Fall 2021

  • Introduction to Stochastic Processes (STAT 403), Spring 2023, Spring 2021

  • STA 645 Bayesian Decision Theory, Fall 2020

  • STA 695 Special Topic Course -- Bayesian nonparametric, University of Kentucky, Fall 2019

  • STA 624 Applied Stochastic Process, University of Kentucky, Spring 2019, 2020

  • STA 524 Probability, University of Kentucky, Fall 2018

  • STAT 302 Statistical Methods, Texas A&M University, Summer 2015, Spring 2014