

Advanced Data Analysis (ECOM90025) [2022-]

I learned a lot from it.

Quantitative Methods 1 (ECON10005) [2020-]

Introduction to statistics and econometrics for year 1 undergraduate students. Not hard stuff, but it is the foundation of your future study.

  1. 2020-T2 as a Tutor. Some students must have read the Three-Body Problem. "Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!! "

Topics in Economics: Bayesian Econometrics [2018-2019].

This is a special PhD subject.

Computational Economics (ECON90055) [2019-2021]

Optimisation, programming, simulation and statistical methods.

Web scraping was added in 2021.

Econometric Techniques (ECOM40006/ECOM90013) [2014-2019, R.I.P.]

This course is theoretical and demands very intensive matrix algebra and statistics. Choose with caution.

Funny Exam Answers 2018:

1 Me: Describe 2 stage least squares

Student: sure. Stage 1, blahblah; Stage 2, blahblah; Stage 3 blahblah...

2 Me: Why cannot compute LS estimator when X is perfectly collinear?

Student: Because X is not full rank, so X'X is incredible.

Advanced Econometric Techniques (ECOM90014) [2014-2018, R.I.P.]

I teach Bayesian Econometrics in this course. This course requires high skills in both mathematics and programming.

You may fail if you do not study hard.

Then, you may fail again in the makeup exam, too.

If you think you can pass my exam by intuition