Call for papers

Important Dates

Submission open April 20, 2022

Submission deadline July 4, 2022

Acceptance notification August 11, 2022

Registration open July 18, 2022

YRRSDS 2022 September 5-6, 2022

* Please note that every participant is required to submit a position paper and present a poster *

We invite researchers at an early stage of their career (no age limit) to submit a 2-page position paper (excl. references).

This should include their past, present and future work, a short bio, and topic suggestions for discussions. Five-minutes presentation by all participants is expected. However, posters can also concern current work and not necessarily be from a published paper.

We invite broad participation. Example submission topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Models of dialogue: statistical, symbolic, and hybrid approaches

  • Evaluation methodology for dialogue systems

  • Semantics, pragmatics, and context in dialogue systems

  • Incremental spoken dialogue systems

  • Situated interaction with virtual and robotic agents

  • Psycholinguistic influences on dialogue system design

  • Establishing social relationships and engagement with the user

  • Data collection and dataset sharing for statistical models

  • Industry development cycles, requirements, and applications

Please use the LaTeX template, which can be downloaded from here

You can also use the Word template if needed, which can be downloaded from here

Position papers can be submitted via YRRSDS2022 on the dedicated EasyChair here


The position papers will be reviewed by a member of the organizing committee and at least one member of the advisory committee.

  • We will check if the applicant research interests are suitable for them to take part in YRRSDS.

  • We will select the topics of interest pointed out by the applicants and prepare the program according to that.

  • We will provide feedback on the position paper and might contribute with ideas to the applicant research.