About Me

Brian Towsey

Currently I am a senior at Pennridge High school in Pennnsylvania. After high school I will be attending Penn State for Chemical Engineering. I love to play all sorts of video games and I usually can't stick with one game too long or I get bored with it. Nintendo games are some of my favorite however and were the first video games I played.

My first experience with Nintendo was in first grade. My parents got me a black DS for my birthday and all I can remember was playing on the device for the entire day. Mario quickly became my favorite character and I continued to purchase Nintendo products and merchandise. I still love Mario and Nintendo to this day and that is why I decided to create this blogging website.

Other than playing video games, I have several hobbies and interest. I love hiking and being in the outdoors. I have kayaked, canoed, rafted, backpacked, and gone spelunking (caving) in a variety of different places. My love for the outdoors comes from my father and led me to join cub scouts in elementary school. Eventually I became a boy scout where I worked hard until I achieved the rank of Eagle, the highest rank in boy scouts. I am also an avid sports fan. I love basketball, football, hockey, and volleyball. I used to play basketball and volleyball as well, though I was never that good at either of them. I am also a fan of esports, and more specifically the Overwatch League.