Brain training for Dogs: How to Fix your dog’s Bad Behavior

Developing your dog’s intelligence through brain training for dogs eliminates your dog’s bad behavior. Train your dog to be the obedient pet.

Brain training for Dogs : Introduction

Does your dog start barking when the door bell buzzes or when someone knocks on the door and you are wondering how to stop it?

Does your dog pull on the leash?
Has your dog become generally unmanageable and you are wondering how you are ever going to stop it?

Well, I have got a solution for you. You just have to keep reading to find out.

The joy of having a dog to play with can be cut short when your dog develops annoying traits such as mouthing and biting, ignoring your commands or having toilet accidents. It’s quite annoying especially when you have to clean up your dogs poop every now and then as you cannot keep the dog in the kennel or chained all day long.

Well, if you are currently experiencing this and would like to find out how to curb those annoying traits in your dog, you should consider learning brain training for dogs which will transform your dog to the loving pet of your dreams. Keep reading to find out how.

What is brain Training for dogs

If children are bored and not engaged intellectually - they tend to misbehave and cause trouble.

It’s really the same for dogs. To stop your dog from misbehaving therefore really needs that you train your dog's brain to be responsive to your commands. That way, you keep your dog engaged and technically control your dog properly.

When you stimulate your dog's mind correctly with a very specific set of games, your dogs bad behavior can be a thing of the past.

The process of stimulating your dog’s mind by unlocking its untapped and undeveloped intelligence is what is referred to as brain training for dogs. Most of the time, it comes in the form of teaching the dog new tricks. That way, you can communicate better with your dog.

Dog body language involves a series of unique methods for communicating emotions and intentions. It can be quite different from how humans communicate.

A lot of dog communication involves barks, whines, and growls, facial expressions and even wagging of tails so it’s important to understand what the dog is trying to tell you by its expressions.

When to start brain training for dogs

At this point, you might be asking at what age should you start brain training for your dog. Here’s a breakdown of a puppy’s emotional developmental stages.

There are four developmental stages for a dog:

Puppy (birth till around 8months)

Junior(reproductively mature but still growing, around 1-2 years of age

Adult - finished growing physically

Mature (from the middle to three-quarters of a dogs' life span, which is based on breed/size.

Usually, training a puppy starts as soon as you bring them home, which is typically around 8 weeks old. This is because if the dog carries on unsupervised, changing that behavior or character acquired on its own might become a daunting task. At that age, they can learn elementary puppy training instructions like sit, stay, and come.

This sets the stage for the training that transforms the dog into a mature adult dog.

CLICK HERE to find out how to groom your dog through those stages and/or transform your dog by fixing its bad behavior.