By now, most in the wellness world know that CBD oil is stacked with a long list of natural benefits. But not all CBD is created equal, and not all CBD oil is absorbed by the body in the same way. Caliper invested heavily in scientific research to create supplements that deliver the highest quality CBD into the bloodstream as efficiently as possible. The secret? Water-soluble CBD! Since the body is made mostly of water, Caliper’s water-soluble CBD is over 4.5 times more bioavailable than the traditional oil-soluble CBD products. The best part? Caliper actually had scientific tests run on their CBD to prove it! The brand’s most recent study conducted by Colorado State University also found that Caliper CBD is 6.5 times more bioavailable in the first 15 minutes. The takeaway? Caliper CBD is proven to work. Fast. For people with issues like chronic pain and anxiety, Caliper’s rapid absorption is a total gamechanger. Caliper exclusively makes their water-soluble CBD powder for on-the-go dosing. It’s discreet and perfectly complements any beverage you choose.