The Importance of Caravan VIN Search Before Buying One

Before going into the reasons for doing a caravan VIN search, it is necessary to understand what is VIN. It is Vehicle Identification Number and is as unique as a fingerprint. Every caravan manufactured is stamped with a VIN that consists of 17 characters and can be found on the corner of every window or the entrance door. Each character denotes a specific attribute like the location of manufacture, the manufacturer, type of vehicle, brand, engine capacity, and more. The last 6 numerical is the serial number of the caravan.

Why should you do a caravan VIN search before buying a used one? Generally, an owner will ensure that the caravan looks in showroom condition before putting it for sale. But more often than not, the look is cosmetic in nature and there might be many issues to be found if you go into the history of the vehicle. To avoid the possibility of making a bad investment, carry out a caravan VIN search before signing any transfer deed and finalizing the sale.

Here are some of the reasons why it is essential to carry out a caravan VIN search and how to get a report.

  • Water damage: It might be difficult to believe but the truth is that out of every 1 in 100 caravans put up for sale by the present owner is damaged by water and floods. But once you have a caravan VIN search done, you will at once know from the report if this is the case with the one you intend to buy. It will also ensure that you get a caravan that will not be a safety hazard on the roads after purchase.

  • Financial lien: From the report of the caravan VIN search, you can know if the caravan is under financial lien to any institution and whether there is any debt still pending against the vehicle. This is a critical reason for the VIN search as after payment for the caravan, you will find it impossible to have it transferred to your name unless you clear the outstanding loan.

  • Stolen caravan: Buying a stolen caravan can land you in trouble. Through a VIN search, you will get a detailed report on the stolen date, engine and number plate theft information, and jurisdiction reference by date. Only a VIN report with this information can save you from legal troubles.

  • Details of the caravan: Through VIN report, you get all details of the caravan including vehicle body type, engine number and type, vehicle color, year of manufacture, vehicle make and model, and compliance plate details. You at once know whether your intended purchase is free from all troubles.

To get a caravan VIN search report, visit a specialized website, download a form, fill in the VIN, make payment, and the Certificate backed by the Australian Government will be in your hands in no time.