Our team

Jane Doe, Founder

John Wayne, Co-Founder

Ivan Ivanovich, Operations Manager

Jane Doe, an alumna of MIT with a passion for ethical technology, founded AI Safety Group to promote responsible AI use. Her background in computer science, coupled with her interest in digital ethics, guides her vision for the group. In her free time, Jane enjoys exploring the intersection of AI and art.

John Wayne, co-founder and a Stanford graduate, brings a wealth of knowledge in AI and ethics to the group. His experience in tech startups shapes the group's innovative approaches. Outside of work, John is an avid reader and enjoys hiking.

Ivan Ivanovich, an operations expert from the University of Toronto, keeps the AI Safety Group's projects on track. His practical approach and experience in team management are key to the group's efficiency. Ivan is a chess enthusiast and enjoys historical documentaries in his leisure time.

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