Coming from Windows, I expect that there is some "disk image" utility that I can run to make a snapshot of my Linux install (and of the boot partition!!) before I meddle with stuff. Then, after I've foobar'ed my machine, I would somehow restore my machine back to that working snapshot.

All references to the file system and hard disks are located locally on the virtual /dev/ filesystem. There are a multitude of "nodes" in /dev/ that are interfaces to almost all the devices on your computer. For example, /dev/hda or /dev/sda would refer to the first hard drive in your system (hda vs sda depends on the hard drive), and /dev/hda1 would refer to the first partition on your hard drive.

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The most straight forward way to make a raw image of your partitions is to use dd to dump the entire partition to a single file (remember the OS access the partitions /dev/sda1 through a file interface). Make sure you are on a larger partition or on a secondary drive and perform the following command:

You can use the exact same command to back up the entire hard disk (replace hda1 with hda). You can then use any compression program (gunzip, zip, bzip) to compress the file for storage. You can use this same technique to make rote copies of entire partitions to make clones of your computer.

There is one limitation though, when restoring the backup: The partition needs to be the same size (or bigger) as the partition you took the image from, so this limits your options in case of a restore. However, you can always expand the partition after you've restored the backup using gparted or parted. The picture gets even muddier when you are trying to restore entire disk copies. However, if you are restoring the backup to the same exact hard drive, you don't need to worry about this at all.

Obviously, a partition cannot be copied while in use: it needs to be unmounted so it doesn't suffer changes during copying (that is self-evident). Therefore, in order to back up your system partition you have to boot in a usb live system - or, as seen in the above image, in a separate (multi-boot) system. The system partition is the one marked with a star. If you try to copy the system partition you get an error soon enough:

Restoring a drive image

To restore a drive image, one will want to boot into a live environment. Restoration is quite simple, and really just involves reversing the if and of values. This will tell dd to overwrite the drive with the data that is stored in the file. Ensure the image file isn't stored on the drive you're restoring to. If you do this, eventually during the operation dd will overwrite the image file, corrupting it and your drive.

However you might be interested in using Clonezilla if you have an external USB hard disk drive or a NAS. You just have to download an ISO image by clicking here (you can access the global download page here), burn it with "Brasero". Boot from Clonezilla Live CD and perform a backup (disk or partition to image) of your main hard disk drive (with your healthy Ubuntu). Please note that you can't backup the partition you have mounted as backup destination (quite logical). If your system is broken, you just have to boot again with Clonezilla Live CD and perform a restore of your system. Don't forget that Clonezilla makes snapshots, so if you have your data ("/home", "/etc", ...) on the same disk/partition as Ubuntu system, you'll get back the one from the backup and loose what has been done since that backup was performed...

Before I begin to say what my situation is here, please know i would be FOREVER GRATEFUL for anyone who can help me out with this mess. I have photos on here from years and years of painstaking work. I am a semi-pro photographer and my hard disk contains roughly 1.5 TB of data from photos. Plus 100GB of my entire music library, and all my dvd's I took time to tip on to my hard disk. But my photos are what I'm most concerned about, they are not replaceable.

Then that is when I got a rootkit. This thing was nasty and I think after 2 months of trying everything, I had to reflash my bios and STILL had this virus. I had to reformat all my hard drives and backed everything up on to 1 hard drive filling it almost entirely (a 2 TB hard drive). I still did not get rid of this virus it was incredible. Eventually I caught it. It was embedded in my network ethernet card. Anyone reading this should take heed that anything embedded in there can and will infect your router, all your LAN, and stay on your computer even through reflashing of the bios itself!

Have an external drive(s) ready holding twice the data amount from your damaged drive 's size.Format with a filesytem able to hold such a large file as will be created from the original drive (e.g. ext4)

Only in case your damaged drive (sdX) is equal the size of your external drive (sdY) you are able to clone the drive (sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY) to perform data rescue on a cloned external drive. Still, working on an image as shown above is a much safer approach.

I believe, amongst other things, testdisk should work as a tool to recover your data. However, first and foremost - before you do anything else, you need to guard your last copy of the data. Firstly, only mount it read-only from here on. (You can remount it with the option ro, see man mount)

I suggest getting yourself a large (>2TB) disk and copying a complete image of your current disk over: dd if=/dev/sda of=disk-image.dd where /dev/sda is your read-only mounted all important disk and disk-image.dd is a file on the new disk, make sure there are 2TB free.

Simply drag and drop files onto the window view, give your disk image a background image, and click Build. What you see in DMG Canvas is exactly how it will look in Finder. You can create great backgrounds for your disk images right inside DMG Canvas itself by dropping in images and adding stylized text, and you're done in a snap.

We've all seen the license agreements required to click-through when mounting a disk image, but it is a nightmare trying to do it yourself. Let DMG Canvas take care of it for you. If your company wants to ensure the user has seen the license agreement upfront, it's a piece of cake. Just put your license's text into DMG Canvas and you're done. It even supports styles and multiple languages.

Flip back and forth to view how the disk image will appear in macOS Light and Dark modes to ensure it looks good in both. Disk images with no background set at all will use the Finder window's appearance and change change depending on the user's system appearance setting. In Dark Mode, the window background will be a dark-gray and file names will be displayed with a white color.

DMG Canvas goes the extra mile and carefully creates disk images with compatibility so they look and work great all the way back to OS X 10.4 if you choose, regardless of which version of macOS you're using. Or, choose the newest compression and file format options like LZMA and APFS, and have lightning fast disk image mounting times.

Add beautifully crisp Retina images and text to your disk images and DMG Canvas automatically handles creating the right image with multiple representations. More importantly, your users (and potential users) will see your attention to detail before they even launch your application for the first time.

Ensure your customers and macOS itself know that the disk image is safe and secure with code signing. Gatekeeper in macOS enables extra security features if your disk image is not code signed, potentially breaking behaviors in your application. Using DMG Canvas, code signing is as easy as a single click.

Since macOS Catalina, a new security feature called Notarization requires new application to be notarized by Apple to ensure they are not infected with malware. To help with this, DMG Canvas can easily notarize the disk image and its contents, and still maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of macOS. (Notarization requires that Xcode be installed.)

Even though clicking the "Build" button in DMG Canvas is a piece of cake, why click it if you don't need to? By using the dmgcanvas tool, you can integrate building your disk images into your normal build workflow, such as building an application in Xcode, so you won't even have to think about making a disk image; It's already done for you. And to satisfy macOS's Gatekeeper, you can now code sign your disk images with your Developer ID certificate, avoiding troublesome Path Randomization.

Not only can you integrate DMG Canvas into your own build scripts and workflows, but DMG Canvas itself can generate a script that will integrate it into your Xcode project! Drop in your Xcode project and DMG Canvas document, pick a few settings, and the script is there in a flash. Drop the script into your Archive scheme's "Post-action" script and then every time you Archive your application in Xcode, it'll automatically create a disk image ready for you to ship to your users.

If you want to erase your startup disk: Start up your computer in macOS Recovery, then choose Disk Utility in the Recovery app. To learn how to start up your computer in macOS Recovery, see Intro to macOS Recovery.

Juding from your comment above, as of VirtualBox 4.0 you can copy the entire machine folder, settings, virtual hard disk and all to another physical machine (such as your co-workers), import the VM (or double click on the .vbox file) and you'll probably be ready to roll. You might have to change the network addaptor and RAM if you have different setups.

You can't run multiple copies of VB with the same drive image; you'd corrupt it. You could try using the virtualized image with RDP access (if the guest OS supports multiple access) or you can copy the image out (but it's a LOT of disk space...) Or you can set up a basic image and install something like Deep Freeze or a similar product that would keep "resetting" the image to a clean slate at each reboot. e24fc04721

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