The song "Your Eyes" by Barney Sku (Ft. Taqiya Zaman) is a love song that centers around the idea of falling in love through the eyes of another person. The song's intro sets the tone by stating that the speaker does not believe in soulmates, but the effect that the other person's eyes are having on them is undeniable.

Your search for ballad returned 911 broadsidesDisplaying broadsides 31 to 60 of 911: Arrah cushla Biddy won?t you take me now?

Verse 1 begins: 'In the Bridgegate lived one Barney M'Dade, / Arrah cushla Biddy won?t you take me now?' It was published by James Lindsay of 9 King Street, Glasgow. The woodcut illustration at the top is a detailed and revealing town scene which focuses on two women chatting in the foreground. Ashes of Napoleon

This ballad begins: 'Attend, you gallant Britons bold, unto these lines I will unfold / The deeds of valiant heroes I am going to relate'. This sheet was printed by James Kay of Glasgow and carries a woodcut illustration of a stylised 'Napoleon' - a figure wearing a bi-corn hat, sitting on rearing horse. Auld Edinburgh Cries

This ballad begins: 'Loud the cries are ringin', ringin, / Cheery ringing' up and down, / Short but sweet the sang that's singin, / Blythely through Auld Reekie's Toon.' Auld House

This ballad begins: 'The auld house, the auld hoose, / What though the rooms were wee, / Oh kind hearts were dwelling there, / And barnies fu' o' glee / The wild rose and jessamine / Still hang up on the wa'; / How many cherished memories / Do the sweet flowers reca'?' 'Barnies' is a misprint, it should read 'bairnies'; a Scots word for 'children'. This sheet was published by the Poet's Box, Dundee. Auld Pair O' Tawse

This ballad begins: 'Weel dae I remember when I was but a bairn, / The lickings that I used to get when I did ony hairm; / For mother she was very strict, though loving, kind and good, / She made me aye behave mysel', as a guid bairnies should. . . ' Below the title we are told that 'This popular song can always be had at the Poet's Box, 224 Overgate, Dundee'. A 'tawse' was a leather strap that was used to punish badly behaved children. Auld Sark Sleeve

This ballad begins: 'A reverend esteemed divine, / Upon a Sabbath day short syne, / While studious, a drawer unlockit, / To get a napkin for his pocket.' A note below the title states that 'Copies of this Recitation can always be had at the Poet's Box, 10 Hunter Street, Dundee', and that the sheet cost one penny. Unfortunately, the sheet is not dated. Auld Thing Ower Again

Verse 1: 'A widow lived in our toun, / And she was skeigh and in her prime, / And weel she lo'ed an auld tune, / But ne'er got ane to keep the time. / A fiddler passing by ae day, / And playing up a canty spring, / The widow fidged and laughed and said, / "Can ye play that auld thing ower again?"' The broadside was published by the Poet's Box, Overgate, Dundee'. At the bottom of the sheet a mail order service for songs is advertised. Aytoun the Union Laddie

This political ballad begins: 'The Whigs think they are grand and great, / But O! they're proud and idly gaudy, / How much unlike the mainly gait / Of Aytoun our dear Union Laddie!' A note below the title states that the ballad should be sung to the air, 'The New Highland Laddie'. Although there are no publication details included on this sheet, the reference to Jamie Aytoun suggests that it was most likely published in Edinburgh during the 1830s. Aytoun the Yeoman!, or, The Orator Left in the Lurch by one of his Own Voters

This ballad begins: 'Ho! ho, Mr Aytoun, so now it turns out, / You're only a Tory who's turned his coat; / Since a Yeoman at Airdrie no Whig you'ld endure, / And Radicals slaughter'd at sad Bonnymuir.' A note below the title states that this song should be sung to the tune, 'Mr Orator Puff'. Aytoun, The Friend of the People!!

This ballad begins: 'Come all Reformers of the Town, / Since Jeffrey now has got the Gown, / And pitch your voice to the highest tone, / To sing huzza for Aytoun.' It was advertised as a new song and was to be sung to the tune of 'Arethusa'. A coat of arms with the motto, 'without fear and without reproach', adorns the top of the sheet. Bagpipes No Musick: A Satyre on Scots Poetry / An Epistle to Mr Stanhope

This ballad begins: 'AS DRYEN justly termed poetic sound, / A pacing Pegasus on Carpet Ground, / ROSECOMMON'S nervous Sence your Verses yield, / A Courser bounding o'er the furrow'd field'. Bailie's Burial

This ballad begins: 'Not a sob was heard, not a sorrowful moan, / As his corse to 'the coffin' we hurried'. There are two separate sets of notes: the first on the text itself and the second on the first note. Bailies of Bonnie Dundee

Verse 1: 'To the Bailies in council 'twas Mitchell who cried / It's as clear as the sun that the Provost has lied, / And his presence with us, all true men will agree, / Is a blot on the honour of Bonnie Dundee.' The ballad was to be sung to the tune of 'The Bonnets o' Bonnie Dundee'. The broadside was published in Dundee in November 1904. It carries the name 'Alvan Marlaw', but it is unclear whether this is the name of the author or of the publisher. Ball of Dandyorum

The text preceding the ballad begins: 'This very comical song was written and sung by J. Kearney, in the character of 'Owney,' at the Castle Tavern, Dublin'. It was to be sung to the air, 'The Rakes o' Mallow'. The first verse begins: 'All you that are here attend, I pray, / And you shall hear, without delay, / About a party great and gay, / The type of all decorum'. Published in June 1851, this sheet could be purchased from the Poet's Box at No 6 St Andrew's Lane, Glasgow. Ballad by an Ingenious Youth

Verse 1: 'As the Laird o' Glentosh was haudin' hame, / Astride o' his nit brown steed, / Up came muckle Macpherson Rab, / Talking o' bleaching thread, thread, thread / Bleth'rin' 'bout bleaching thread.' Ballad of the Cloak; or, The Cloak's Knaverie

Verse 1: 'Come buy my new Ballet, / I hav't in my wallet; / But it will not (I fear) please every pallet. / Then mark what ensu'th, / I swear by my Youth, / That every line in my Ballet is truth. / A Ballet of witt, a Ballet of worthe, / t'Is newly Printed and newly come forth: / It Was made of a Cloak, that fell out with a Gown, / That Crampt all the Kingdom and Crippl'd the Crown.' Ballyhooly

This ballad begins: 'There's a dashing sort of boy, who is called his mothes joy, / For his rucetion and elements they charm me; / He takes the chief command in a water-drinking land, / Called the Ballyhooly Blue ribbon Army.' It was published at 192 Overgate Dundee, probably by the Poet's Box. Banishment of Poverty

Verse 1: 'Pox fa that pultron povertie, / Wa worth the time that I him saw; / Since first he laid his fang on me, / My self from him I dought ne're draw: / His wink to me has been a law, / He hunts me like a penny Dog, / Of him I stand far greater aw, / Than puppil does of Pedagogue.' This poem is attributed to 'his Royal Highness J.D.A.' and was to be sung 'to the tune of 'The Last Good-night'. Banks O' Tyne

Verse 1: 'All nature now rejoicing is / From moorland knowe to main / The time of singing birds hath come / Sweet flowerets bloom again. / But yesterday mine eye was bright, / Oh, but my heart was fain, / For by me beamed the kindly smile / Of my beloved ane.' This version of the 'Banks O' Tyne' was written by P. McNeill and probably sold for one penny. Banks of Ayr

This ballad begins: 'The gloomy night is gath'ring fast, / Loud roars the wild inconstant blast! / Yon mirky cloud is full with rain, / I see it driving o'er the plain. . . ' Banks of Doon and The Fairest Flower

'Banks of Doon' begins: 'Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon, / How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair! / How can ye chnat, ye little birds, / And I saw weary, fu' o' care! / Thou'lt break my heart, thou warbling bird / That wantons through the flow'ring thorn: / Thou minds me o' departed joys - Departed never to return!' The words were written by Robert Burns. Banks of Inverary

Verse 1 begins: 'As I walkt out one morning, adroad as I did pass, / On the banks of Inverary I met a bonny lass'. It was published by Batchelar of Long alley, although no further specification is given. The woodcut at the top of the sheet is supposed to look like a coat of arms, which would have imbued the sheet with a perceived air of authority. Banks of Inverury

This ballad begins: 'Early one summer morning along as I did pass/On the banks of Inverury I met a bonny lass/Her hair hung o?er her shoulders and her eyes like stars did shine/On the banks of Inverury, I wish that she were mine.? There is no place or date of publication. Banks of Leven Water

This ballad begins: 'Hark, will ye gang with me lassie, / To the Banks of Leven water, / And I'll be bound ye'll see lassie, / Varieties to please; Then o'er the glens and hills we'll rove, / We'll haunt the hare the cushy dove, / And on the Banks of Rylew grove, / I'll play the flute to please you.' The broadside does not carry the name of its publisher, nor the place or date of publication. Banks of Sweet Dundee

This ballad begins: 'It's of a farmer's daughter, so beautiful I'm told, / Her parents died and left her five hundred pounds in gold, / She lived with her uncle, the cause of all her woe, / You soon shall hear, this maiden fair did prove his overthrow.' Banks of Sweet Dundee and Smell! Smell! His Breath!

The first ballad 'The Banks of Sweet Dundee' begins: 'It's of a farmer's daughter, / So beautiful I'm told, / Her parents died and left her, / Five hundred pounds in gold'. Banks of Sweet Primroses

Verse 1 begins: 'As I walked out one midsummer's morning, / To view the fields and take the air'. Banks of Tay

Verse 1: 'By Grampians' towering mountains high, / Whose rocky summits skirt the sky; / Wild rolls the queen of Scotia's floods, / Adorned by Athole's ancient woods. / Along their winding walks in spring, / How sweet to hear the wild birds sing; / At peep of dawn, how sweet to stray, / Adown the bonnie Banks of Tay.' This particular three-verse song was 'Written and composed by ROBERT CARMICHAEL, Lundin Mill, near Largo, Fifeshire.' Barney Get Up From the Fire!

This ballad begins: 'My name is Paddy M'Guire, I belong to sweet Tralee, / I fell in love with an Irish girl, the name of Katy M'Gee / I went one night to court her in the pleasant month of May.' Barney Ligget's Misfortunes

Verse 1 begins: 'It's from the harvest I took my way, / After four weeks of hard shearing'. There are no publication details given, but this is one of two songs printed by James Lindsay on this sheet. The lyrics are set in Glasgow's Briggate area.Results page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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