About me

Complete cv here (last update: 11/2020)


2015-2018 UMR CNRS ECOBIO (France). PhD student. Nutrition-microbiota interactions influencing stress tolerance phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster.

2013-2015 Université de Rennes. Master's dregree in Evolutive, Behavioural and Functionnal Ecology (rank 3/18)

2010-2013 Université de Rennes. Bachelor’s degree in Organismal Biology (rank 5/123)


2015 UMR CNRS ECOBIO (France). Survival and molecular responses to combined stress in Gammarus pulex. Supervisors: H. Colinet and C. Piscart

2014 UMR CNRS ECOBIO (France). Exploring cross-tolerance effects of acclimation to hydric stress in the lesser mealworm Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Supervisor: D. Renault

2013 UMR CNRS ECOBIO (France). Stage- and density-dependant determinants of land snail dispersal. Supervisors: A. Ansart and M. Dahirel


Tutor in “Environmental biology seminar” course (ETH Zurich)

Supervisor in writing class “Ecology and evolution: term paper and seminar” (ETH Zurich)

Theoretical and practical classes in animal biology for bachelor students: Organization of life; Nutrition and reproduction; Diversity of life (Univ. Rennes1)


2018 "Biologie Santé Innovation Technologique" (BIOSIT) High throughput fly gut microbiota assay project (4000 €)

2017 "Mobilité sortante Rennes Métropole" Mobility grant for a 3 month stay in Aarhus University, Denmark (2400 €)

2016 "Axe fédérateur Biostress" Financing molecular biology material (2000 €)