
We are very excited to have pre-conference courses, plenary speakers, and sponsor talks. Read more below about who we have confirmed to attend!

Richard Riley 

Organisation Profile 

Richard Riley is a Professor of Biostatistics and NIHR Senior Investigator at the University of Birmingham, leading a team of statisticians undertaking applied and methodology research for healthcare, especially in regard to prognosis, prediction models, and evidence synthesis. 

Pre-conference Course

Richard and his team will be leading a pre-conference course on "An introduction to Risk Prediction Models & Sample Size Calculations for Development & Validation". 

Plenary Talk

Richard will be giving a plenary talk titled "Perspectives on a career in academia: uncertainty, variability and confidence" on the 18th (abstract available here)!

Aad van Moorsel

Organisation Profile 

Aad van Moorsel is Professor and Head of the School of Computer Science at University of Birmingham. In his current research he is spearheading efforts in financial inclusion in collaboration with Atom Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He is a Fellow of the Turing Institute and has led large interdisciplinary research projects for a total of over £20m throughout his career.

Plenary Talk

Aad will be giving a plenary talk titled "Trust versus Trustworthiness in AI-based Systems" on the 17th (abstract available here)!

Laura Bonnett

Organisation Profile 

Laura Bonnett is a Medical Statistician primarily interested in the development, validation and implementation of clinical prediction models for people with recurrent conditions such as epilepsy and asthma. She is based in the Department of Health Data Science at the University of Liverpool. 

Her work has informed the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency’s regulations on time off driving for people with a first-ever seizure and driving during and after anti-seizure medication withdrawal. This work has now also underpinned European Union policy on driving.

She is also a committed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Ambassador. As part of these roles, she has developed statistical outreach activities which can be used by anyone with an interest in the area at a variety of events such as careers fairs, science festivals and STEM clubs. They can be found at www.rss.org.uk/hands-on.

Plenary Talk

Laura will be giving a plenary talk titled "Predicting the Unpredictable" on the 17th (abstract available here)!

Nils Braakmann

Organisation Profile 

Nils is a Professor of Economics at Newcastle University. His work focuses on empirical microeconomics, typically using large-scale datasets and microeconometric techniques to investigate questions mainly drawn from labour economics, the economics of crime, health economics, international economics and urban economics

Plenary Talk

Nils will be giving a plenary talk titled "Understanding crime from the street up: Crime maps meet causal inference" on the 18th (abstract available here)!

Jon Deeks is Professor of Biostatistics and leads the Biostatistics, Evidence Synthesis and Test Evaluation Research Group in the Institute of Applied Health Research. His major methodological contributions have been made in the fields of evidence synthesis and test evaluation.

Pre-conference Course

Jon, along with Yemisi and Alice, will be leading a pre-conference course on "An Introduction to Diagnostic Tests and Studies of Diagnostic Tests". 

Yemisi Takwoingi

Organisation Profile 

Yemisi Takwoingi is a biostatistician and Professor of Test Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her primary research interests are in diagnostic test evaluation and in systematic review methodology, especially meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy studies. 

Pre-conference Course

Yemisi, along with Jon and Alice, will be leading a pre-conference course on "An Introduction to Diagnostic Tests and Studies of Diagnostic Tests". 

Alice Sitch is a Senior Lecturer working in the Institute of Applied Health Research and a member of the Biostatistics, Evidence Synthesis and Test Evaluation (BESaTE) research group. Alice’s main research interests are in the area of designing and evaluating monitoring tests and studies of biological variability.

Pre-conference Course

Alice, along with Jon and Yemisi, will be leading a pre-conference course on "An Introduction to Diagnostic Tests and Studies of Diagnostic Tests". 

Andrew Garrett

Organisation Profile 

Andrew Garrett is the current president of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). Having been an RSS member for over thirty years, he has held several roles with the Society. He was elected to RSS Council in 2003 and served on Executive Committee from 2004-10, becoming a vice president for professional affairs in 2008. In 2013 he chaired the long-term strategy group that led to the RSS tag line Data, Evidence, Decisions and initiatives such as Statisticians for Society. More recently, he formed the Data Science Section and was the chair of the group for its first two years.
He is also executive vice president of scientific operations at the clinical research organisation ICON plc, where he is responsible for the strategic direction and operational delivery of a range of clinical trial services. 

Conference Closing

Andrew will be giving a short talk and be presenting the prizes for best presentations and best poster at the end of the conference (tickets to RSS conference 2024)