The 20th YSS


The YSS20 organizing committee informs you about the Young Scientist Seminar (YSS2023). The event will be held from November 18th to 19th. Due to financial issues, this seminar will be held online using Cisco Webex Meetings Cloud Meetings.

Although this is an online meeting, we look forward to seeing you. The deadline for registration is October 20th, and for abstracts and confidentiality pledges is October 27th. Please send us them by e-mail to yuyss7516<at>

Please change the <at> to @.

Language of the Seminar

The official language of the seminar is English.

Program day 1

Program day 2



The 20th YSS will be held using Cisco Webex Meetings. Due to the influence of COVID-19, it will be difficult to open the meeting in a face-to-face manner. Online meeting is easy to access us and young scientists can participate from any locations via internet.


The scientific scope of the seminar covers research fields of utilization of bioresources and those of basic biology.