
Every two years, two Belgian scientific societies promoting research in the History of Science, Philosophy of Science and Logic –the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science (NCLHPhS) and the Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (BSLPS)-- co-organize the Young Researchers Days. The 2023 edition is its eighth installment and is organized by Peter Verdée, Steffen Ducheyne, Steven Vanden Broecke and Hannes Van Engeland. Through open call proposals, we typically invite about 20 young researchers working in Belgium in these three fields, to present their work and to engage in communal question rounds.

YRD8 thus offers an unusually interdisciplinary opportunity for young researchers, i.e. PhD students and postdocs, to present their work to a larger community of emerging and established scholars, and to explore how their research can be engaging across disciplinary boundaries. Researchers outside of Belgium are also invited to submit, but priority will be given to young researchers conducting research in Belgium.