Animal Genetic Engineering Lab (College of Applied Life Science, Jeju National University)

This laboratory is part of the Department of Animal Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology, College of Applied Life Sciences, and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Advanced Convergence Technology & Science. Our team consists of 2 research professors, 2 doctoral students, 1 student enrolled in the master's and doctoral integrated program, 1 master's student, and no undergraduate students. The Animal Biotechnology Major offers students an opportunity to explore development, production, and utilization of animal resources, emphasizing animal science to prepare future-oriented human resources. Our educational goal is to cultivate professional leaders capable of leading advancements through ongoing research in the eco-friendly animal industry and employing cutting-edge technologies for technological innovation. The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Advanced Convergence Technology & Science focuses on the analysis of electronic (biological) sensors, centered on biomaterial functions, with applications in anticancer, antiviral, and antibacterial mechanisms in vivo, fostering collaboration beyond traditional department boundaries to cultivate innovative talents. Currently, 20 professors from the faculties of Biotechnology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Natural Sciences, Education, and Pharmacy contribute to this program. This collaborative course has been recognized as part of the 2020 BK21 Level 4 Education Research Group, aiming to enhance the quality of graduate education significantly.

Research field

Development of the disease control model using bioactive substances

The research focuses on identifying and utilizing bioactive substances from the rich biodiversity of the Jeju region to develop a disease control model. This approach aims to discover natural inhibitors of specific arthritis-inducing genes, including HIF2a, ZIP8, ERRg, and ZFP36L1. By exploring the inhibition mechanisms of these targets, the research could lead to innovative drug development for arthritis treatment. The investigation into ZIP8 as an iron and zinc transporter with implications in arthritis, and the potential of substances like umbelliferone and scopoletin targeting tyrosine kinases in anti-rheumatic therapy, aligns with the project's goals. Additionally, the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and the exploration of drug repositioning for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) further supports the relevance of targeting these genes and pathways. 

Development of disease-specific animal models

The goal is to enhance the understanding of disease mechanisms and improve drug discovery processes by creating animal models that closely mimic human diseases. This involves utilizing genome editing technologies, such as CRISPR, to modify genes identified through microarray analyses as being relevant to specific diseases. CRISPR screening offers an unbiased method to interrogate gene function across various biological contexts, making it invaluable for identifying potential targets for disease modeling. Genome editing allows for precise genetic modifications, enabling the knockout or insertion of specific DNA fragments to mimic disease conditions in animal models.

Invertebrate models, like Drosophila, have been instrumental in understanding neurodegenerative diseases, providing insights into familial gene functions and enabling the development of more sophisticated animal models. The evolution of preclinical models, especially for complex diseases like Alzheimer's, showcases the importance of selecting appropriate animal models to explore pathophysiology and test potential therapeutics. Moreover, in vivo CRISPR screens can reveal critical regulatory functions of genes in disease contexts, such as tumor growth in triple-negative breast cancer, demonstrating the potential for targeted therapy development. Lastly, integrating broad genetic diversity into disease modeling enhances the scope and relevance of these models, making them more representative of human conditions.

Drug efficacy evaluation

 Transitioning to large animal models, like the Jeju native black pig, for drug efficacy evaluation represents a significant advancement in biomedical research. This approach leverages the unique genetic background of the Jeju native black pig, known for its high-quality meat and distinct genetic traits, to develop a more relevant arthritis model. Genome-wide scans and characterizations of positive selection signatures have already provided insights into the genetic uniqueness of the Jeju black pig, which could be pivotal for identifying genes related to arthritis and other diseases.

Furthermore, the research into elucidating breed-specific variants among native pigs in Korea, including the Jeju native black pig, underlines the potential for discovering disease markers and for the development of biomaterials and drugs. This genetic investigation not only contributes to the preservation of a valuable genetic resource but also to the development of precise models for drug efficacy and toxicity testing, aligning with contemporary needs in medical research for more accurate and human-relevant data.

Autoimmune disease research

Recent research has established a link between the Western diet, characterized by high intake of fats, sugars, and processed foods, and the exacerbation of autoimmune diseases. This diet is implicated in promoting inflammation and obesity, both of which are risk factors for the development of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Specifically, trans fatty acids found in the Western diet have been shown to exacerbate conditions like colitis, which shares common inflammatory pathways with RA. Additionally, animal-derived fats rich in saturated fatty acids, such as palmitic or stearic acid, have been demonstrated in mouse studies to contribute to inflammation, suggesting a mechanism by which diet influences autoimmune disease progression.

The laboratory's research on the Th1 type rheumatoid arthritis model aims to uncover how a high-fat and high-sugar diet contributes to the disease's mechanism. By identifying the dietary factors that exacerbate RA, the research could lead to targeted dietary recommendations and interventions that mitigate the impact of these environmental factors on autoimmune diseases. This approach not only aids in understanding RA's pathogenesis but also explores potential therapeutic targets for broader autoimmune disease management.

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