"I remember hiding in a cellar, and we were very, very quiet as the German troops were entering the city. And a baby started crying, and there was a candle on the windowsill. The windows were closed. In order for the Germans not to hear the baby cry, the mother was stifling the baby. And then a candle burnt, went out, and people were beginning to say that there was no air. Obviously, we could not stay anymore, and we ran somewhere."

"Can you imagine? I put in three years of my life, put it on the line to make it possible for people like that young lady and that manager or whoever owned that store to function and enjoy the rights and privileges of Americans, and they were saying to me, just like the Nazis did, just like they told me down in the South, what they told my father, 'Leon, you're not good enough.'"

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"My sister came to get me because the communications were bad. She says they were killing Jewish people. They killed, at the time, some people in Kielce. And, um, my sister came to tell me that we have to get out of the small towns, because they were killing the Jewish people. This was after the war."

"I, I was, of course, very scared. But I thought, Oh, this is something I'll get away with. I played innocent. And then they took me down to the Norwegian Nazi police headquarter. And there everything really changed."

Although most textbooks focus on the Cherokee Trail of Tears with a brief mention of the other so-called Civilized Tribes in the South (along with Cherokees, the Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles), Native nations were removed from homelands in both southern and northern states. In addition, the United States forced communities west of the Mississippi to move, partly to make room for eastern Indians being forced west and partly to allow white settlement.

In the end, it may be impossible to say just how many trails of tears there were, but the exact number may not be so important. The larger point is that by treating the Cherokee trail of tears as a unique disaster, we lose sight of the fact that the United States regularly and systematically evicted Indians from their homelands. We should never forget the Cherokee Trail of Tears, but we should also remember the many dozens of unknown trails of tears and the thousands of lives lost on them.

While there is only one global ocean, the vast body of water that covers 71 percent of the Earth is geographically divided into distinct named regions. The boundaries between these regions have evolved over time for a variety of historical, cultural, geographical, and scientific reasons.

Historically, there are four named oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. However, most countries - including the United States - now recognize the Southern (Antarctic) as the fifth ocean. The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian are the most commonly known.

The Southern Ocean is the 'newest' named ocean. It is recognized by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names as the body of water extending from the coast of Antarctica to the line of latitude at 60 degrees South. The boundaries of this ocean were proposed to the International Hydrographic Organization in 2000. However, not all countries agree on the proposed boundaries, so this has yet to be ratified by members of the IHO. The U.S. is a member of the IHO, represented by the NOS Office of Coast Survey.

Thank you for doing the research on the people of color in Scotland, Paris, the colonies, etc.. It was interestingly eye opening since I was under the impression that blacks were not discriminated in Paris during the age of enlightenment.

A year before the attack, Joe Schallmoser and Howard Cornell were worried that Columbine was just the kind of place where a school shooting might happen. They were in charge of security for the school district that included Columbine. After the shootings in Paducah, Ky., and Jonesboro, Ark., they were afraid that one of their schools might be next.

"People are covering up everything that went wrong and I want those lessons out there," says Judy Brown. "They're doing studies, they're getting profiles. Everybody's trying to get programs going and what we can do. Well guess what? All the signs were there. You know what the lessons are? Do your job."

"The deans were told that there was an investigation under way," says Blanchard. "That they weren't to do anything. That it was informational on their part, only. So they actually took no action because certainly they wouldn't have wanted to interfere with an ongoing investigation."

Columbine's administrators admit that didn't include speaking to his teachers, family, or friends about him. One of those friends, Nate Dykeman, says that Harris and Klebold were showing off their weapons to people, long before they attacked Columbine. One day at Harris' house, Dykeman says, Harris showed him a pipe bomb.

Says Blanchard: "What people saw in the school were that these two were going to classes every day, they had friends, they were turning in assignments, they were working towards higher grades in their classes, they were planning the future."

Klebold's teacher later called it "the most vicious story she'd ever read," and voiced her concerns about it to Klebold's parents and his school counselor. But no school official ever looked into the matter, and it ended there. It was two months before the shootings.

Where were Harris and Klebold's parents all this time? They have never spoken publicly about Columbine, but in police interviews they said they had no idea about the arsenal of weapons their sons were amassing in their bedrooms - including knives, guns, cans full of gunpowder, coils of bomb fuse, and bombs - more than 100 of them, including pipe bombs, propane bombs and homemade grenades.

At night, while their parents were asleep, Harris and Klebold made video tapes in which they talked about all the weapons they had. Harris imagined his parents saying, "If only we had checked his room. If only we had asked more questions."

And yet, in spite of all its unanswered questions, some good has come out of Columbine. Young people are speaking up when they see signs that other kids may be planning violence, and police throughout America are being trained to act immediately when a killer takes control of a building - and not to stand by and wait for the SWAT teams to arrive.

Throughout history, there have been dramatic tales of women sailing the oceans. Many of these stories begin from the Golden Age of Piracy (1650 to 1720), but there are accounts of female pirates dating back thousands of years. In this article, we'll explore the lives of some of the notable pirates prowling our oceans.

Historically, women were not allowed to remain on ships once they had set sail. Old-fashioned sailor superstitions thought that women on merchant and military vessels were bad luck and could spell disaster at sea.

Seafaring professions were barred to women until the 20th Century. A woman could disguise herself as a man and assume a fake name, but her career would be over once discovered. The only way for most women to participate in the running of a merchant vessel before 1900 was through their relations or marriage.

It is only recently that women were allowed at sea within the British Royal Navy. In October 1990, during the Gulf War, the HMS Brilliant carried the first women officially to serve on an functioning warship. In 1998, Commander Samantha Moore became one of the first female officers to command a Royal Navy warship, HMS Dasher.

As engaging in piracy is a criminal act, becoming a pirate would mean dealing with the possibility of arrest and even death. It was a decision people did not make lightly. While historically, pirates are often portrayed as swashbuckling heroes or villains, many were ordinary people - men and women forced into piracy to survive difficult times.

The two envoys were later imprisoned and executed. Rome declared war on the Ardiaei in 229 BC which ended in her surrender two years later. Rome allowed her to continue ruling but announced that no warship should sail under her command.

With only a few accounts of her life known to exist (most of what we know about her is recorded in Saxo Grammaticus' 13th-century work Gesta Danorum), there is controversy amongst historians whether Ladgerda is, in fact, a legendary figure and a substitute for the actions of a group of women.

While Henry was employed to uphold maritime law, some ex-pirates were engaged as "privateers," sailing under the favour of the crown to amass illicit profits for England. Mary was known to be a champion of her husband's criminal activities. She redesigned their home at Arwenak castle to hide stolen goods, cut deals with smugglers, and raided ships.

Mary's mother was a widow who dressed her as a boy to collect money from the family of her dead husband. She eventually joined the British Army disguised as a boy. She married a Flemish soldier who knew of her disguise, but when he died, Mary found herself penniless. When aboard a ship heading to the West Indies, they were attacked by pirates. On proving her skills, she joined them.

Eventually, Mary found herself aboard the ship of the infamous pirate, Calico Jack Rackham alongside Anne Bonny. According to the legend, Mary became the lover of both Rackham and Bonny. When the three were captured in 1720, Mary and Anne were able to delay their hanging because both were pregnant. However, Mary fell ill in prison, and she died in 1721.

It is thought Delahaye was born around 1630 in Haiti, though there is no evidence to her birth and many of the stories seem to originate from 1940s writer, Lon Treich. Legend has it that the British navy killed her father, and her mother died during childbirth. As she was destitute, she joined up with a pirate crew and later commanded a fleet of ships.

Women that became sailors often had to disguise their identity and conceal their gender by dressing the same as men. However, the reports of Grace O'Malley, Mary Read and Anne Bonny show that these pirates did not hide their gender and wore what they liked. Often this would dependent on what they were doing. In the pamphlet The Tryals of Captain John Rackam and other Pirates published in 1721, witnesses suggest: 2351a5e196

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