We often think of career stability as a fleeting dream that no longer exists in today's economy. Whatever the duration of a job - 6 months, 6 years, 16 years - use that time to share your gifts. Rethink stability to mean that you're engaged with what you're doing. Stay rooted by that devotion even as both you and the world around you slowly shifts, building up towards what will eventually be the next big change on your horizon.

This definition empowers clients by putting them at the centre of their own experiences, essentially, putting their whole world in their hands. What if you recast your approach to career using this definition? How could it change your sense of yourself as a practitioner? How could it change how you think about your own career? How could it change things for your clients? Let us know on Twitter @OneLifeTools!

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If I had the chance today to spend six weeks somewhere, to better myself and work on whatever addiction it is that I have, whether it's work, whether it's bulimia, anorexia, I would take it at a heartbeat. [Name] you are young, you have the world at your fingertips. It's only going to help you become a better person.

So then I tried looking up to have the world at your fingertips, but surprisingly I didn't find any online dictionaries that listed this figure of speech. I'm sure the presenter's aim was to emphasize the boundless opportunities open to the young woman. She could do or be anything she wanted to be because of her youth, and the "fingertips" represented the act of grasping one's dreams and goals. It reminds me of similar idioms, such as the sky's the limit and Shakespeare's line, the world's mine [your] oyster.

[Levi] is the last person one should encounter, if seeking a rest. He is continually beating his brains how he shall make mankind leave his hearthstone and travel. In a word, Levi is the moving factor in the largest 'tourists' agency' in the country. He is the travelling manager, and he has the whole world at his finger ends.

It's not the most exciting to talk about, mind, and series veterans will be more excited to hear about the new trading system which had me sending ships off to trade nodes in the Mediterranean and reaping the rewards. Then there's the wealth of context-sensitive historical events, in which real-world history can muscle its way into your own timeline. If the climate is right, France can still revolt and England might descend into civil war.

On top of that, the centrifugal force you generate with the around the world creates a pulling effect that tractions out the shoulders, elbows and wrists. This really feels great, especially if you have years of heavy, joint-compressive lifting under your belt, and can arguably help to prevent injury and speed recovery from other strength-training workouts. Decompressive weight training, Heins says, is often overlooked and very valuable: controlling a weight as it pulls on your joints strengthens them, just as lifting a weight that compresses your joints does.

Step 2. Step forward again as you reverse the direction of the kettlebell and repeat on the other side. As with the around the world with hand catch, you can take your time doing a few revolutions with the bell before you coil on the other side.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

While the Napoleonic struggles did threaten interests of the United States because of the French foothold in the West Indies and in Louisiana, and while we engaged in the War of 1812 to vindicate our right to peaceful trade, it is nevertheless clear that neither France nor Great Britain, nor any other nation, was aiming at domination of the whole world.

Let us say to the democracies: "We Americans are vitally concerned in your defense of freedom. We are putting forth our energies, our resources and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world. We shall send you, in ever-increasing numbers, ships, planes, tanks, guns. This is our purpose and our pledge." 006ab0faaa

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