Unlike my phone, my iPad still has a headphone jack. But I've always been told that there would be a quality loss if I plugged a cable out from my headphone jack into my audio interface. So to get my iPad music into my computer I used Studiomux, and then, later on, an iConnectivity interface (which I no longer use).

But I noticed that I can use the adapter from my phone to plug a minijack into the lightning port on my iPad--and audio comes out.

So would I get full quality digital audio output going through the lightning port? Or would the quality still be compromised in some way?

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For me the Apple Lightning -> 3.5mm dongle(it has a built in so-so adc/dac) seems to have roughly the same quality as the built-in 3.5mm jack. I can't hear any difference between it and the built-in headphone jack on my iPad Air 2.

@Samu said:

For me the Apple Lightning -> 3.5mm dongle(it has a built in so-so adc/dac) seems to have roughly the same quality as the built-in 3.5mm jack. I can't hear any difference between it and the built-in headphone jack on my iPad Air 2.

When I first plugged my iPad into a sound card, ZOOM U24, (after few months of headphones only) I was amazed how much better the lightning connection was in comparison to headphones out....the same headphones out of Zoom sound card.

@soundklinik said:

When I first plugged my iPad into a sound card, ZOOM U24, (after few months of headphones only) I was amazed how much better the lightning connection was in comparison to headphones out....the same headphones out of Zoom sound card.

It is also entirely possible that the adc/dac in the Apple Lightning -> 3.5mm dongle is not the weakest point in the chain. Whether I listen to sound through a built-in 3.5mm jack or the external dongle, they both sound like crap when I use my Apple earphones. Yet, when I plug in my Audio Technica audio technica ath-m50x's I can hear a world of difference! I think the dongle sounds fine.

- less lightning bolts drawn on screen at any given time, however individual bolts are slightly thicker (meant to make individual bolts feel more "powerful", also just for a cleaner looking lightning effect)

I felt that in the Base JA effect and in most lightning effect mods out there, that there were too many lightning bolts drawn on screen at once. Rather, I thought the individual lightning bolts should seem more powerful, rather than the power of the lightning seeming to come from 30+ bolts on the screen at once, and I thought it looks too messy with that many bolts anyway.

The image for the lightning is borrowed from JK2 I believe which is purple by default. I borrowed a couple images from a mod on jk2files.com called "New Lightning Effects" but since jk2 files is down I can't check to see who the author was. I'm pretty sure though all he did was color the JK2 lightning effects blue.

I'll probably release a full version of this with more polish, like more lightning styles and some improvement on the look and color of the ambient lighting, but honestly I've tinkered with this for so long I just wanted to finally release something.

This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance.

Myth: lightning flashes are 3-4 km apart

Fact: Old data said successive flashes were on the order of 3-4 km apart. New data shows half the flashes are about 9 km apart. The National Severe Storms Laboratory report concludes: "It appears the safety rules need to be modified to increase the distance from a previous flash which can be considered to be relatively safe, to at least 10 to 13 km (6 to 8 miles). In the past, 3 to 5 km (2-3 miles) was as used in lightning safety education." Source: Separation Between Successive Lightning Flashes in Different Storms Systems: 1998, Lopez & Holle, from Proceedings 1998 Intl Lightning Detection Conference, Tucson AZ, November 1998.

Myth: A High Percentage of Lightning Flashes Are Forked.

Fact: Many cloud-to-ground lightning flashes have forked or multiple attachment points to earth. Tests carried out in the US and Japan verify this finding in at least half of negative flashes and more than 70% of positive flashes. Many lightning detectors cannot acquire accurate information about these multiple ground lightning attachments. Source: Termination of Multiple Stroke Flashes Observed by Electro- Magnetic Field: 1998, Ishii, et al. Proceedings 1998 Int'l Lightning Protection Conference, Birmingham UK, Sept. 1998. 

Myth: Lightning Can Spread out Some 60 Feet After Striking Earth.

Fact: Radial horizontal arcing has been measured at least 20 m. from the point where lightning hits ground. Depending on soils characteristics, safe conditions for people and equipment near lightning termination points (ground rods) may need to be re-evaluated. Source: 1993 Triggered Lightning Test Program: Environments Within 20 meters of the Lightning Channel and Small Are Temporary Protection Concepts: 1993, SAND94-0311, Sandia Natl Lab, Albuquerque NM.

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Well remember, before there wasnt adaptive damage, so you had physical throwing affixes, and fire throwing affixes, and they were only on rings iirc. So your choices for throwing damage were extremely limited/low.

The lightning hammer throw idols perfectly rolled could get you 24 flat lightning throwing, which at the time was decent all things considered. if you scaled generic damage(Str/throwing% damage etc) then the flat 24 was still something like 30% more damage baseline to think about.

All they really have to do is add % of hammer throw converted per idol, say 15-25% as well as the flat 3-8, then with 4 perfectly rolled conversion idols we have access to a new hammer build. But they probably wont do that since paladin has a disgusting 200% crit multiplier for lightning skills so making hammer throw even better then it is by going lightning would probably be too much power or something.

But they probably wont do that since paladin has a disgusting 200% crit multiplier for lightning skills so making hammer throw even better then it is by going lightning would probably be too much power or something.

We saw the storm build and had the tent up before the first large raindrops turned to hail and graupel (softer hail). Mark and Emily were in the tent, on their sleeping pads, playing cards. Dave, as the dutiful NOLS instructor that he is, was huddled under whitebark pines making hot drinks. I was wandering around the stunted krumholtz trees with those mixed feelings of fear and wonder at the tremendous display of storm and lightning.

While we seek absolutes to help us manage this risk, it seems as if we only have educated guesses, common sense, and a bit of science. As in many things, we must weigh the options and use our judgment.

Going to the backcountry or rural communities fosters growth, transformation, and opportunities for learning. But, often these experiences have inherent risks, like being far from medical care or in places where communication is difficult.

Jason Weingart is a freelance photographer, residing in Austin, Texas. His work has been featured by National Geographic, Discovery, NBC Universal, ABC, BBC, and many more. 

Jason offers tutorials, workshops, and a plethora of photography knowledge on his blog, Brainstorm.

While attending photography classes at the University of Central Florida, I got the idea in my head that I wanted to get a photo of lightning. Up to that point, I had pretty much focused on sports photography, but wanted to do something different. After several failed attempts, I finally caught my first lightning bolt from my driveway. I never looked back from there. Lightning was really what caused me to fall in love with photography.

Make no mistake, lightning is extremely dangerous. It is the most unpredictable element of thunderstorms. The average person has about a 1 in 10,000 chance of being struck by lightning, but if you're intentionally going out into thunderstorms those chances increase dramatically. In the first half of the 20th century, an average of about 400 Americans died each year from lightning strikes. That number has decreased significantly with an average of 32 lightning fatalities per year since 2006. Much of this can be attributed to the National Weather Service's efforts on raising awareness about the risk of lightning strikes with their "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors" campaign. The general rule is, if you can hear thunder, you're close enough to be struck by lightning.

Use your head while doing this kind of thing. If you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and get out of there. Avoid open areas, and try to make sure you aren't the tallest object around. Likewise, be sure you aren't standing near the tallest object around, for example a large tree. If that large object is struck, lightning could travel through the ground or even arc through the air, straight to you. One way of minimizing your exposure is to use devices such as lightning triggers and intervalometers. The great thing about these devices is that you can set them up on your camera, and seek shelter in the relative safety of your vehicle. It's all about minimizing the amount of time you are vulnerable to being struck.

Your best shots will usually come from the outer edge of the storm. You really don't want to be shooting from the core of the storm, where all the rain is. You most likely won't be able to keep your lens clean enough to get a good shot. Your only option at that point is shooting out of your car. If you are under the anvil of the storm (where the lightning can sometimes be brilliant), there may be light to moderate rain present. In which case you can setup under an awning of some type, utilize an umbrella, or even setup your tripod in your car. The shot below illustrates anvil crawler lightning, and since it was raining at the time, I setup my camera on a tripod in my car and shot out of the passenger window. 152ee80cbc

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