HF 732: A bill for an act prohibiting and requiring certain actions relating to abortion involving the detection of a fetal heartbeat, and including effective date provisions.

In May of 2018, I proudly signed the fetal heartbeat bill into law. Days later, it was challenged by abortion providers who do little to help women in crisis understand their choices and grossly misrepresent the service they provide as health care.

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Even with the fetal heartbeat bill, the fight continues for a robust culture of life that welcomes children, supports mothers, and involves fathers. As a pro-life governor, I will continue to promote policies designed to surround every person involved in a pregnancy with protection, love, and support.

But today, the most glaring injustice of all is about to be put right. Everyone understands that a heartbeat signifies life. And we understand that when it falls silent, something precious has been lost.

(A) A person who intends to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman shall determine whether there is a detectable fetal heartbeat of the unborn human individual the pregnant woman is carrying. The method of determining the presence of a fetal heartbeat shall be consistent with the person's good faith understanding of standard medical practice, provided that if rules have been adopted under division (B) of this section, the method chosen shall be one that is consistent with the rules. The person who determines the presence or absence of a fetal heartbeat shall record in the pregnant woman's medical record the estimated gestational age of the unborn human individual, the method used to test for a fetal heartbeat, the date and time of the test, and the results of the test.

(B) Not later than one hundred twenty days of the effective date of S.B. 23 of the 133rd general assembly, the director of health shall adopt rules pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code specifying the appropriate methods of performing an examination for the purpose of determining the presence of a fetal heartbeat of an unborn individual based on standard medical practice.

(C) A person is not in violation of division (A) of this section if that person has performed an examination for the purpose of determining the presence of a fetal heartbeat of an unborn human individual utilizing standard medical practice in accordance with rules adopted under division (B) of this section, that examination does not reveal a fetal heartbeat or the person has been informed by a physician who has performed the examination for a fetal heartbeat that the examination did not reveal a fetal heartbeat, and the person notes in the pregnant woman's medical records the procedure utilized to detect the presence of a fetal heartbeat.

In a typical heartbeat, a tiny cluster of cells at the sinus node sends out an electrical signal. The signal then travels through the atria to the atrioventricular (AV) node and into the ventricles, causing them to contract and pump blood.

A heart arrhythmia (uh-RITH-me-uh) is an irregular heartbeat. A heart arrhythmia occurs when the electrical signals that tell the heart to beat don't work properly. The heart may beat too fast or too slow. Or the pattern of the heartbeat may be inconsistent.

Heart arrhythmia treatment may include medicines, devices such as pacemakers, or a procedure or surgery. The goals of treatment are to control or get rid of fast, slow or otherwise irregular heartbeats. A heart-healthy lifestyle can help prevent heart damage that can trigger some heart arrhythmias.

Premature heartbeats are extra beats that occur one at a time, sometimes in patterns that alternate with a regular heartbeat. If the extra beats come from the top chamber of the heart, they are called premature atrial contractions (PACs). If they come from the bottom chamber, they are called premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

A premature heartbeat may feel like your heart skipped a beat. These extra beats are generally not a concern. They rarely mean you have a more serious condition. Still, a premature beat can trigger a longer lasting arrhythmia, especially in people with heart disease. Occasionally, having very frequent premature ventricular beats may lead to a weak heart.

The heart's electrical system controls the heartbeat. The heart's electrical signals start in a group of cells at the top of the heart called the sinus node. They pass through a pathway between the upper and lower heart chambers called the atrioventricular (AV) node. The movement of the signals causes the heart to squeeze and pump blood.

Network can fail in many ways, sometimes pretty subtle(e.g. high ratio packet loss). Disrupted TCP connections takea moderately long time (about 11 minutes with defaultconfiguration on Linux, for example) to be detected by theoperating system. AMQP 0-9-1 offers a heartbeat featureto ensure that the application layer promptly finds out aboutdisrupted connections (and also completely unresponsivepeers). Heartbeats also defend against certain networkequipment which may terminate "idle" TCP connections whenthere is no activity on them for a certain period of time.

TCP keepalives is a TCP stack feature that serves a similarpurpose and can be very useful (possibly in combination with heartbeats)but requires kernel tuning in order to be practical with most operatingsystems and distributions.

The heartbeat timeout value defines after what period of timethe peer TCP connection should be considered unreachable (down) by RabbitMQand client libraries. This value is negotiated between theclient and RabbitMQ server at the time of connection. Theclient must be configured to request heartbeats.

A zero value indicates that a peer suggests disabling heartbeats entirely.To disable heartbeats, both peers have to opt in and use the value of 0.This is highly recommended against unless the environment is known to useTCP keepalives on every host.

Heartbeat frames are sent about every heartbeat timeout / 2seconds. This value is sometimes referred to as the heartbeat interval.After two missed heartbeats, the peer is consideredto be unreachable. Different clients manifest this differentlybut the TCP connection will be closed. When a client detectsthat RabbitMQ node is unreachable due to a heartbeat, it needsto re-connect.

Any traffic (e.g. protocol operations, published messages, acknowledgements) counts for a validheartbeat. Clients may choose to send heartbeat framesregardless of whether there was any other traffic on theconnection but some only do it when necessary.

Unless TCP keepalives are used instead with an adequately low inactivity detection period,deactivating heartbeats is highly discouraged. If heartbeats are deactivated, it will make timely peer unavailabilitydetection much less likely, which would pose a significant risk to data safety, in particular for publishers.

Setting heartbeat timeout value too low can lead to falsepositives (peer being considered unavailable while it is notreally the case) due to transient network congestion,short-lived server flow control, and so on.

TCP contains a mechanism similar in purpose to the heartbeat(a.k.a. keepalive) one in messaging protocols and net ticktimeout covered above: TCP keepalives. Due to inadequatedefaults, TCP keepalives cannot be assumed to be suitablefor messaging protocols. However, with proper tuning they can beuseful as an additional defense mechanism in environments whereapplications cannot be expected to enable heartbeats or usereasonable values.

In certain rare cases when heartbeats alone are not sufficient(e.g. when connections involved use a protocol that doesnot have a heartbeat mechanism of some kind), TCP keepalives mustbe configured to use a reasonably low timeout value.

TCP keepalives can also be used instead of heartbeats by configuring them to lower system-specificvalues. In that case heartbeats can be deactivated. The main benefitof this approach is that all TCP connections on a machine will use identical valuesregardless of the protocol and client library used.

When heartbeats are activated on a connection, it results inperiodic light network traffic. Therefore heartbeats have a side effectof guarding client connections that can go idle for periods oftime against premature closure by proxies and load balancers.

With a heartbeat timeout of 30 seconds the connection will produce periodicnetwork traffic roughly every 15 seconds. Activity in the 5 to 15 second rangeis enough to satisfy the defaults of most popular proxies and load balancers.Also see the section on low timeouts and false positives above.

RabbitMQ nodes will log connections closed due to missed heartbeats. So will allofficially supported client libraries. Inspecting server and client logs will providevaluable information and should be the first troubleshooting step.

It may be necessary to inspect the connections open to or from a node,their state, origin, username and effective heartbeat timeout value.Network Troubleshooting guideprovides an overview of the tools available to help with that.

If you commonly leave your WordPress admin up for long periods of time, especially while writing or editing a post, the repeated POST requests can cause high resource usage. To avoid this, the heartbeat can be modified or even disabled to lower your server resource usage.

The term "fetal heartbeat," as used in the anti-abortion law in Texas, is misleading and not based on science, say physicians who specialize in reproductive health. What the ultrasound machine detects in an embryo at six weeks of pregnancy is actually just electrical activity from cells that aren't yet a heart. And the sound that you "hear" is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine. Scott Olson/Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

The Texas abortion law that went into effect last fall reads: "A physician may not knowingly perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detected a fetal heartbeat for the unborn child." e24fc04721

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