006- The Decisive Battle With Troops Of Light And Darkness

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"That is a fallen angel...

Who on earth is she... Aimul...?"

Model Answer

  1. Gemstone

Mana Crystal

  1. Acid Bottle -> Lilith (Right)

  2. Summon Anton -> Poison Apple

  3. Red Goblin -> Tinker Bell (Left)

  4. Gem Hammer Panda -> Tinker Bell (Right)

  5. Summon Poisoning Imp

  6. Summon Poison Apple

  7. Summon Poisoning Imp

  8. Mana Crystal x2

  9. Summon Labyrinthos -> Poison Apple

  10. Summon Dragoon of Certo -> Poison Apple

  11. Frozen Spear -> Face