FEMTIC (Finite Element MagnetoTelluric Inversion Code)

FEMTIC is a 3-D magnetotelluric inversion code based on the following studies.

FEMTIC was made using object-oriented programming with C++. 

FEMTIC enables us to incorporate topography and bathymetry into an inversion model.

FEMTIC is applicable to land magnetotelluric survey data as well as ocean bottom magnetotelluric survey data. 

Functional overview

FEMTIC gives a three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure from the response functions at observation points on the Earth's surface. 

GitHub repository

Source codes, manuals, and sample input files of FEMTIC can be downloaded from the following GitHub repository.


Release note

v4.3 Feb. 6, 2025: The directory for the out-of-core files of the sensitivity matrix becomes changeable. 

v4.2 Mar. 25, 2024: I modified some parts to allow the use of large-scale models and large datasets.

v4.1 Nov. 9, 2021: This new version supports difference filter. The error calculation of log10(apparent resistivity) is modified. Rotation angles of distortion matrix are limited to from -90 to 90 (deg.) when gains and rotations of galvanic distortion are estimated.

v4.0 Jun. 3, 2021: This new version supports non-conforming deformed hexahedral mesh.

v3.5 Jan. 11, 2021: This new version supports observed data of apparent resistivity and phase and unsymmetric roughening matrix.

v3.4.7 Sep. 4, 2020: The integer indices into the multiple right-hand-side vectors and solution vectors were changed from 32-bit to 64-bit.

v3.4.6 Sep. 2, 2020: This version allows us to make resistivity of every individual subsurface element to be a different model parameter, in analogy with other 3-D inversion code.

Pre/post-processing tools for FEMTIC

Some pre/post-processing tools for FEMTIC, including meshing tools, and their manuals can be downloaded from GitHub. Results of FEMTIC can be visualized by ParaView.

makeDHexaMesh :  Tool for making non-conforming deformed hexahedral mesh for FEMTIC

makeTetraMesh : By using this tool, you can make a surface mesh for creating a tetrahedral mesh.

makeMtr : This tool output .mtr file of TetGen by reading node and .ele files of TetGen.

TetGen2Femtic : This program converts output files of TetGen to FEMTIC.

makeHexaMesh : Tool for making hexahedral brick mesh for FEMTIC

mergeResultOfFEMTIC : By this program, you can merge result files (.csv) of FEMTIC.

makeCutawayForGMT : By using this program, you can make a file needed to draw a cross-section of a resistivity structure by GMT.

changeResistivityForFemtic : By this program, you can change resistivity values of a specified area for sensitivity tests of FEMTIC inversion results

Sample input files

Sample input files of meshing tools can be downloaded from the web folder below.


Studies using FEMTIC

Mesh for modeling around  Amami Oshima island, Japan

Mesh for modeling around Asama volcano, Japan

Non-conforming deformed hexahedral mesh representing Izu Oshima Island, Japan