Yoshio Yanadori


Waseda University

School of Commerce 

1-6-1 Nishi-waseda

Shinjuku, Tokyo

Email: yoshio.yanadori@waseda.jp

Academic Appointments

Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University, 2020 - current

Adjunct Professor, University of South Australia, 2024 - current

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia, 2020 - 2024

Visiting Researcher, Waseda Innovation Laboratory, Waseda University, 2018 - 2020

Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia Business School, 2013 - 2020

Lecturer, School of Management, University of South Australia, 2011- 2012

Assistant Professor, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, 2005- 2011


Ph.D. (in Human Resource Studies), School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 2005

M.S. (in Human Resource Studies), School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1998 

B.A. (in Literature), School of Letters, Arts, and Science I, Waseda University, 1990

Editorial Appointments

(Editorial Board Member)

Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2023 - current

Personnel Review, 2023 - current

Journal of Management, 2017 – current

Human Resource Management Journal, 2017 - 2019

(Associate Editor)

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2017 - 2020

Research Interests

Compensation management; gender equity in workplaces; high-performance work system; human resource management in multinational enterprises.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Nikookar, E., and Yanadori, Y. 2022. Forming post-COVID supply chains: Does supply chain managers’ social network affect resilience? International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 52: 538-566.


Liu, X., van Jaarsveld, D. D. and Yanadori, Y. 2022. Customer aggression, employee voice, and quit rates: Evidence from the frontline service workforce. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60: 348-370.


Nikookar, E., and Yanadori, Y. 2022. Preparing supply chain for the next disruption beyond COVID-19: managerial antecedents of supply chain resilience. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42: 59-90.


Yanadori, Y., Kulik, C.T., and Gould, J. 2021. Who pays the penalty? Implications of the gender pay disparities within top management teams for firm performance. Human Resource Management, 60:  681-699.


Cui, V., Ding, W., and Yanadori, Y.  2019. Exploration versus exploitation in technology firms: The role of compensation structure for R&D workforce. Research Policy, 48: 1534-1549.


Yanadori, Y., Gould, J., and Kulik, C. T. 2018. A Fair Go? The gender pay gap at the executive level in Australia. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29: 1636-1660.


Baik, B., Evans, J. H., Kim, K., and Yanadori, Y. 2016. White collar incentives. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 53: 34-49.


Yanadori, Y. and van Jaarsveld D. D.  2014.  Relationships of informal high performance work practices to job satisfaction and workplace profitability. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 53: 501-534.


Yanadori, Y. and Cui, V. 2013. Creating incentives for innovation? The relationship between pay dispersion in R&D groups and firm innovation performance. Strategic Management Journal, 34: 1502-1511


Kang, S.-C. and Yanadori, Y. 2011. Adoption and coverage of performance-related pay during institutional change: An integration of institutional and agency theories. Journal of Management Studies, 48: 1837-1865.


van Jaarsveld, D. D. and Yanadori, Y. 2011. Compensation management in outsourced service organizations and its implications for quit rates, absenteeism, and workforce performance: Evidence from Canadian call centres. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 49: s1-s26.


Yanadori, Y. and Kang, S.-C. 2011. Intra-firm differentiation of compensation systems: Evidence from US high-technology firms. Human Resource Management Journal, 21: 236-257.


Yanadori, Y. 2011.  Paying both globally and locally: An examination of the compensation management of a US multinational financial firm in the Asia Pacific region. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22: 3867-3887.


Yanadori, Y. and Kato, T. 2009.  Work and family practices in Japanese firms: Their scope, nature, and impact on employee turnover. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20: 439-456.


Yanadori, Y. and Kato, T. 2007. Average tenure, turnover ratio, and firm labor productivity: Evidence from Japanese firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18: 1841-1857.


Yanadori, Y. and Marler, J. H. 2006. Compensation strategy: Does business strategy influence compensation in high-technology firms? Strategic Management Journal, 27: 559-570.


Yanadori, Y. 2004. Minimizing competition? Entry-level compensation in Japanese firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 21: 445-467.

Book Chapters

Sunghoon K., Wang, Y., Yanadori, Y., and Rowley, C.  In Press. Putting Korean HRM in East Asian context. In C. Rowley. (Ed.). Korean Management Handbook. New York: Routledge.

Yanadori, Y. and Taylor, M. 2023. Diversity management in Japan’s hospitality industry. In A. Manoharan, J. Madera, and M. Singal (Eds.). Handbook of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management in the Hospitality Industry. New York: Routledge.

Yanadori, Y. 2018. Compensation in Japan. In A. Stévenot and L. Guery (Eds.) Compensation: Managerial Issues and Societal Debates in France and Abroad, France: Economica (in French).

Yanadori, Y. 2018. HRM research on Japanese organizations in the twenty-first century: review and emerging research topics. In T. Nakano (Ed.). The Japanese Firm System in Evolution: New Directions, Breaks, and Emerging Practices. New York: Routledge.

Yanadori, Y. 2015. Compensation and benefits in the global organization. In D. G. Collings, G. Wood, & P. Caligiuri (Eds.). Companion to International Human Resource Management, pp.190-209. New York: Routledge.

Other Publications

Yanadori, Y., Kosaka, G., and Endo, T. 2020. Show me the recognition! Effects of recognition on employee engagement and job embeddedness. Journal of Total Rewards. 2020Q4: 85-96. (Repurposed as "Yanadori, Kosaka, and Endo. 2021. Show me the gratitude! in WORKSPAN 2021. 4th quarter: 42-51.")

The UniSA research team. 2019. Gender diversity: 6 simple switches to enact positive change. Unisabusiness. July 2019: 22-27. Available at https://unisa.edu.au/siteassets/media-centre/docs/publications/unisabusiness/unisabusiness-issue14.pdf

Yanadori, Y. (Ed.) 2009. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Science Association of Canada. Human Resource Division, Volume 30(1).  

Milkovich, G. T. and Yanadori, Y. 2005. “Incentives” in Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Management. Volume XI, Organizational Behavior (Eds.) N. Nicholson, P. Audia, and M. M. Pillutla. Oxford: Blackwell.

Yanadori, Y. 2002. Pay for performance: An international comparison. ILR Review, 56: 557-559. [Book Review]

Selected Research Grants

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant, 11,000,000 JPN Yen. 2024.

Australia-Japan Foundation Grant, AU$ 25,000. 2022.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant (Number: 21K00747), 4,130,000 JPN Yen. 2021.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Grant (Number: 20K22134), 2,870,000 JPN Yen. 2020. 

Insight Grants, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, CA$122,806. 2012.

Standard Research Grants, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, CA$62,798. 2007.

Selected Awards

Chief Scientist of South Australia’s Best of Best series in 2021 [to Yanadori et al. (2021)]

SIRCA’s Philip Brown Prize for best paper citing SIRCA data published in 2021 [to Yanadori et al. (2021)] 

The Faculty Transnational Research Best Conference Paper Award, Gender and Diversity in Organization Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2014 [to the conference paper, which was the early draft of Yanadori et al. (2018)]