The Planet of the Ape (2023) ⬇︎
Illustration sketches - these sketches are inspired by photos from internet. I call it the planet of the apes, it is concept drawings. Am thinking about illustrate some nice story. The name of this collection is not about that famous movie coz that movie is full of politics, these are just fantasy drawings.

Animals (2023) ⬇︎
Collection inspired by some nice photos I found on internet, mostly winter themed. Beautiful titans of the animal kingdom such as monkey, wolf, tiger, bear, panter, eagle, owl and lion. Will draw more of these will add soon.

Beardy Bears (2023) ⬇︎
Funny collection of bears, these probably live close to an antarctica coz they are covered by fur some even have hat.

A lot of Robots (2023) ⬇︎
From collection called AI Bla Bla

The Planet Of The Apes (2011 - 2021) ⬇︎
Collection inspired by old movie.

Prison Planet (2011 - 2019) ⬇︎
Chimpanzee males have been measured as having five times the arm strength as a human male.
Even a young chimpanzee of four or five years, you could not hold it still if you wanted to...
But they are still just a "Prisoners"... From collection beloved by fans called "Prison planet"

What iz going on? (2017) ⬇︎
Small old collection of digital sketches.

Digital Paintings (2011 - 2017) ⬇︎
Various digital paintings selection of old works.

Digital paintings with Filter (2016) ⬇︎

Funny Animals (2017) ⬇︎
Collection inspired by internet memes.