Yoshakos Raptoridis

Hello, and welcome to my website!

Basic Info:

My name is Yoshakos Raptoridis, and i am a male furry from Greece.My fursona's species is a Yoshiraptor, which is a combination of a Yoshi and a toony raptor. A Hybrid.My fursuit has been made by "That's Furred Up", a private company from United States of America, in 2014The most common furry convention i am visiting is "Eurofurence" in Germany, and "AthensCon" (anime/comic convention) in Greece.He really loves hugs, so if you ever see him around, first let him know that you want to interact with him by waving your hand in front of him, or just carefully stand in front of him, because he has a very poor vision. Also, you may have to speak up a little, because he has a poor hearing as well.