Watch the Climate Hustings for election of the Mayor

On Thursday 2 May, voters in York and North Yorkshire will elect a brand new Mayor. The successful candidate will have wide-ranging powers and funding on areas such as transport, economic development and jobs and skills. How will the candidates use their powers to tackle the climate and nature emergency? How will this impact our quality of life? Watch the recording  of a special online debate below, either as a single webcast or in handy bite-sized portions.

This event was organised by  a wide range of environmental and climate groups across the region, coordinated by Friends of the Earth in association with Council for the Protection of Rural England - North and East Yorkshire, National Trust, North Yorkshire Climate Coalition, North Yorkshire West Federation Womens' Institute, Regional Youth Climate Assembly, Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the Sustainability Community.

We cannot advise voters which candidate to choose, but we can tell you one thing: DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!

POSTSCRIPT: All of the candidates have signed our Climate Pledge, with the exception of Keane Duncan,  the Conservative candidate. You can see the Pledge and the accompanying Climate Action Plan for the county by clicking this button: