I am an Assistant Professor of Accounting at University of Hawaii at Manoa. My research interests include disclosures, regulations, supply chains, and AI. I received my doctoral degree in Accounting from University of California, Irvine in 2023.
1. “MiFID II and the unbundling of analyst research from trading execution” with Ben Lourie and Devin Shanthikumar
Contemporary Accounting Research (2023)
Presented at 2021 CAR conference
Guide to downloading brokerage trading volume data from Bloomberg
2. "The impact of debt forbearance on borrowers’ financial behavior and labor outcomes: Evidence from student loans" with Ben Lourie and Alex Nekrasov
Finance Research Letters (2023)
3. “Voluntary disclosure of workforce gender diversity” with Chuchu Liang, Ben Lourie, and Alex Nekrasov
Journal of Financial Reporting (forthcoming)
Working Papers
4. “When friends become foes: Firm disclosure decisions after failed M&A deals” Solo-authored (Dissertation)
5. “Freedom of expression protection and corporate concealment of bad news: Evidence from state anti-SLAPP laws” with Jimmy Lee, Shaphan Ng, and Liandong Zhang
6. “The unintended effects of the TCJA’s interest deduction limitation on the supply chain” with Terry Shevlin and Aruhn Venkat
7. “The check is in the mail: Can disclosure reduce late payments to suppliers?” with Elizabeth Chuk and Ben Lourie
8. “Supply chain finance: An early empirical examination” with Elizabeth Chuk and Ben Lourie
9. “Artificial intelligence and analyst productivity” with Devin Shanthikumar
10. “Quiet investment: CEO overconfidence and capex guidance” with Abhishek Ramchandani