How Do I Get Workers Comp?

Helping Injured Workers Seek Workers Compensation

Employees who are injured on the job or become ill can use workers' comp to recover medical bills and income lost while recovering. The process of getting workers' comp claims approved by an insurer can be complicated. But a worker who gets approved for the benefits can expect to receive more than just money and benefits.

The process of receiving workers' comp benefits begins with filing a claim. To file a workers' comp claim, an employee must have been hurt on the job. If the employer knew that the worker would be hurt, he or she may have violated state law by failing to take reasonable steps to protect the employee. Once the employee files his or her claim, the insurer must either accept or reject it. Acceptance is usually quick, but if an insurance carrier rejects a claim, it will notify the injured worker in writing. A claim is rejected if the employee is no longer eligible for workers' comp or the amount of the claim is not enough to cover the employee's expenses.

After an employee has filed a claim, the insurer will investigate it to determine whether it is valid and whether the employee is entitled to benefits. An investigation requires two things. First, the insurer needs to find a way to contact the employee to verify that the employee suffered an injury or illness while working. Second, the insurer must make sure that the claim is valid. If the claim turns out to be invalid, the insurer will either pay the worker or explain why it will not pay.

Once an insurer accepts a claim, the process moves into the stage of paying out benefits. The insurer will assign an adjuster to the case and pay the first installment of the claim. Adjusters work for the insurer, but not all adjusters are created equal. Some adjusters are better at figuring out how much the employee should receive than others. If the employee and the adjuster agree on a sum, the adjuster will send it to the insurer for approval. If the adjuster and the employee cannot agree, the adjuster will provide the insurer with the employee's final offer. The insurer will either approve the offer or ask the employee to make another offer. If the insurer agrees to the offer, the employee will receive the benefits.

While most workers' comp claims are processed fairly quickly, it is possible to have a claim rejected after it is accepted. In some cases, the insurer will ask the employee to make a new offer. The insurer will not reject a claim that is already paid out and has been assigned to an adjuster.

What Are The Types Of Compensation?

If you work in a business that deals with employees, you will want to make sure that you are aware of workers compensation laws. Workers comp is designed to help injured or ill workers get back to work and recover from their injuries or illnesses. If you are unsure of the workers compensation laws that apply to your employer, then it is important that you speak to an attorney.

To help you understand the different types of workers compensation laws that are available to you, below are several examples of various workers compensation laws that are available to you.

Occupational Health and Safety Act

This law is applicable if you work in a business that has employees. This law helps to ensure that your workplace is safe for you and that the safety of your fellow workers is not compromised.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

If you are employed by a business, then this type of insurance helps cover your medical bills and lost wages if you are injured while working.

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

If you have a permanent partial disability that will affect your ability to work in the future, then this type of workers comp benefit may be available to you.

Rehabilitation Services

This benefit can help you if you need rehabilitation therapy after you have been injured.

Short Term Disability

If you are unable to work because of a sickness or injury, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your medical treatment.

Injury Benefits

If you have been injured at work, then this type of benefit can help you with your medical costs.

Medical Benefit Plans

If you have any medical conditions or health problems that may affect your ability to work, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your medical care.

Benefit Review

If you believe that you are not receiving the appropriate amount of benefits, then you should contact a workers compensation attorney to assist you.

Retiree Health Care

If you are over 50 years old, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your medical care.

Vacation Benefits

If you have worked in the same industry for over 5 years, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your vacation.

Death Benefit

If you have been injured at work, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your funeral.

Lifetime Medical Care

If you have any medical conditions that will affect you throughout your lifetime, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your medical care.

Lifetime Disability Benefits

If you have any disabilities that will prevent you from working in the future, then this type of benefit can help you with the cost of your medical care.

Other Benefit Types

This type of benefit is usually only available to businesses that are large enough to offer them.

Workers compensation laws are very important to be aware of in order to ensure that your rights are protected. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, then it is important that you consult an attorney to ensure that you are being treated correctly.