The ultimate goal of training a model is to deploy it for real-world applications. Export mode in Ultralytics YOLOv8 offers a versatile range of options for exporting your trained model to different formats, making it deployable across various platforms and devices. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the nuances of model exporting, showcasing how to achieve maximum compatibility and performance.

Export settings for YOLO models refer to the various configurations and options used to save or export the model for use in other environments or platforms. These settings can affect the model's performance, size, and compatibility with different systems. Some common YOLO export settings include the format of the exported model file (e.g. ONNX, TensorFlow SavedModel), the device on which the model will be run (e.g. CPU, GPU), and the presence of additional features such as masks or multiple labels per box. Other factors that may affect the export process include the specific task the model is being used for and the requirements or constraints of the target environment or platform. It is important to carefully consider and configure these settings to ensure that the exported model is optimized for the intended use case and can be used effectively in the target environment.

Yolo Onnx Model Download


I have a relatively large ONNX model (~80MB) created using YOLO that I am attempting to use for object recognition in 512x512 images. Using python to compile and run the model works perfectly, using both Relay and tvmc. However, when attempting to run the same compiled model in C++, the output I get behaves as though no input were given, or as though a blank image were fed in. Here is the abbreviated code that is working in python to compile and run the model.

The big mystery in my mind is why the Python interface is able to run perfectly, whereas I cannot seem to get the C++ implementation to give the correct output despite using the same compiled model and inputs, no matter what method I use.

I wonder if cv::Mat is non-contiguous or if its data is in a different ordering from what you expect. Can you 1. trying running the model with the input being all zeros? and 2. Try manually copying each element using cv::Mat::at?

in order to set the input to all zeros does appear to have an effect on the model output, lowering the maximum confidence of the outputs from below 20% to below 10%.Manually copying the image data using this (I had trouble using cv::Mat::at on the blob for some reason)

Also an excellent idea. From the python code and the creator of the model, I believe the model was designed to accept BGR input, rather than RGB. I did try swapping those channels anyway in C++ using the swapRB parameter, but it does not appear to affect the output.The importing and processing of test images is all handled in opencv in both C++ and Python, though I did try using PIL in Python at some point and I believe was able to get a good output after changing the RGB channels to BGR.

Okay, sorry for the delay. It looks like part of the issue may have been exacerbated by the debug graph executor. Using the new compilation method adding -link-params, and after some adjustments in the C++ implementation to keep the creation of the graph executor from causing a crash, running the model now appears to be working the same in both C++ and Python.What works is compiling the model using this method in Python:

I have trained a yolo_v4 model using TAO toolkit 4.0. The TAO version was installed with pip install nvidia-tao and is the latest version. I exported the model in etlt format and tried to use it in a deepstream application. The NvInfer plugin is supposed to generate an engine file from etlt and run but it throws a ONNX parse error.

atest version. I exported the model in etlt format and tried to use it in a deepstream application. The NvInfer plugin is supposed to generate an engine file from etlt and run but it throws a ONNX parse

Training an object detection model from scratch requires setting millions of parameters, a large amount of labeled training data and a vast amount of compute resources (hundreds of GPU hours). Using a pre-trained model allows you to shortcut the training process.

This sample creates a .NET core console application that detects objects within an image using a pre-trained deep learning ONNX model. The code for this sample can be found on the dotnet/machinelearning-samples repository on GitHub.

Object detection is a computer vision problem. While closely related to image classification, object detection performs image classification at a more granular scale. Object detection both locates and categorizes entities within images. Object detection models are commonly trained using deep learning and neural networks. See Deep learning vs machine learning for more information.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning. To train deep learning models, large quantities of data are required. Patterns in the data are represented by a series of layers. The relationships in the data are encoded as connections between the layers containing weights. The higher the weight, the stronger the relationship. Collectively, this series of layers and connections are known as artificial neural networks. The more layers in a network, the "deeper" it is, making it a deep neural network.

Object detection is an image-processing task. Therefore, most deep learning models trained to solve this problem are CNNs. The model used in this tutorial is the Tiny YOLOv2 model, a more compact version of the YOLOv2 model described in the paper: "YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger" by Redmon and Farhadi. Tiny YOLOv2 is trained on the Pascal VOC dataset and is made up of 15 layers that can predict 20 different classes of objects. Because Tiny YOLOv2 is a condensed version of the original YOLOv2 model, a tradeoff is made between speed and accuracy. The different layers that make up the model can be visualized using tools like Netron. Inspecting the model would yield a mapping of the connections between all the layers that make up the neural network, where each layer would contain the name of the layer along with the dimensions of the respective input / output. The data structures used to describe the inputs and outputs of the model are known as tensors. Tensors can be thought of as containers that store data in N-dimensions. In the case of Tiny YOLOv2, the name of the input layer is image and it expects a tensor of dimensions 3 x 416 x 416. The name of the output layer is grid and generates an output tensor of dimensions 125 x 13 x 13.

The YOLO model takes an image 3(RGB) x 416px x 416px. The model takes this input and passes it through the different layers to produce an output. The output divides the input image into a 13 x 13 grid, with each cell in the grid consisting of 125 values.

The Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open source format for AI models. ONNX supports interoperability between frameworks. This means you can train a model in one of the many popular machine learning frameworks like PyTorch, convert it into ONNX format and consume the ONNX model in a different framework like ML.NET. To learn more, visit the ONNX website.

The pre-trained Tiny YOLOv2 model is stored in ONNX format, a serialized representation of the layers and learned patterns of those layers. In ML.NET, interoperability with ONNX is achieved with the ImageAnalytics and OnnxTransformer NuGet packages. The ImageAnalytics package contains a series of transforms that take an image and encode it into numerical values that can be used as input into a prediction or training pipeline. The OnnxTransformer package leverages the ONNX Runtime to load an ONNX model and use it to make predictions based on input provided.

Copy the assets directory into your ObjectDetection project directory. This directory and its subdirectories contain the image files (except for the Tiny YOLOv2 model, which you'll download and add in the next step) needed for this tutorial.

The MLContext class is a starting point for all ML.NET operations, and initializing mlContext creates a new ML.NET environment that can be shared across the model creation workflow objects. It's similar, conceptually, to DBContext in Entity Framework.

The output generated by the pre-trained ONNX model is a float array of length 21125, representing the elements of a tensor with dimensions 125 x 13 x 13. In order to transform the predictions generated by the model into a tensor, some post-processing work is required. To do so, create a set of classes to help parse the output.

When the model makes a prediction, also known as scoring, it divides the 416px x 416px input image into a grid of cells the size of 13 x 13. Each cell contains is 32px x 32px. Within each cell, there are 5 bounding boxes each containing 5 features (x, y, width, height, confidence). In addition, each bounding box contains the probability of each of the classes, which in this case is 20. Therefore, each cell contains 125 pieces of information (5 features + 20 class probabilities).

Anchors are pre-defined height and width ratios of bounding boxes. Most object or classes detected by a model have similar ratios. This is valuable when it comes to creating bounding boxes. Instead of predicting the bounding boxes, the offset from the pre-defined dimensions is calculated therefore reducing the computation required to predict the bounding box. Typically these anchor ratios are calculated based on the dataset used. In this case, because the dataset is known and the values have been pre-computed, the anchors can be hard-coded.

Now that all of the highly confident bounding boxes have been extracted from the model output, additional filtering needs to be done to remove overlapping images. Add a method called FilterBoundingBoxes below the ParseOutputs method:

Once you have created the constructor, define a couple of structs that contain variables related to the image and model settings. Create a struct called ImageNetSettings to contain the height and width expected as input for the model. 006ab0faaa

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