Mr. Yogesh Bhalekar
Assistant Professor (ES&H)
Department Coordinator
Thakur college of Engineering and Technology
Academic Qualification:
M.Sc. (Mathematics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai)
Persuing Ph. D (University of Mumbai, Mumbai)
Area of specialization:
Pure Mathematics
Subjects taught:
Undergraduate level - Applied Mathematics – I, II, III, IV, V
Undergraduate level (Autonomy)- Mathematics – I, Mathematics – II
Contributed for Resource book (TCET) of Applied Mathematics –I & Applied Mathematics –II.
Co-author for Applied Mathemetics-I & Applied Mathemetics-II Textbooks Stictly as per Choice based Credit & Grading System (CBCGS).
Papers Published/Presented:
National Conference: 06
1. Yogesh Bhalekar, "Heat Transfer Analysis of Rectangular Orthogonal Plate using Integral Transform" , National Conference On Differential Equations And Its Applications, February 2014.
2. Yogesh Bhalekar, " The static deflection of a uniform beam using higher order linear equations with constant coefficients" , NCASH 2016.
3. Yogesh Bhalekar, “Temperature distribution in an anisotropic thin plate subjected to moving plane heat sources” , NCASH 2017.
4. Yogesh Bhalekar , ”Alternate approach for understanding complex numbers through real life application”, NCASH 2018.
5. Yogesh Bhalekar , "The estimation of flowing current in RLC circuit using higher order liner differential equations with constant coefficients" , NCASH 2018.
6. Yogesh Bhalekar , "Boundary value problems in elastic column with clamped end and free end" , NCASH 2018.
International Conference: 01
1. Yogesh Bhalekar, "Heat Transfer Analysis of orthogonal plate using line heat source" , MULTICON-W , ISSN-2249-0868, February 2014.
Seminars/Workshops Attended:
[1] Two Week FDP by TCET [2006]
[2] Two days FDP on DSP by TCET [2006] Two days training on “Certified Internal Quality Auditor” by TCET [2006]
[3] Two days workshop on “Use of Scilab tools in engineering mathematics by RJIT [2008]
[4] One day Workshop on “Best Quality Enhancement Team by TCET [2009]
[5] Two days training on “Certified Internal Quality Auditor” by TCET [2010]
[6] One week course on MATLAB Tour of Engineering Applications by Vasant Dada Ppatil college [2010]
[7] Two Week FDP by TCET [2010]
[8] Two Week STTP on Fluid Mechanics by IIT Kharagpur (remote center course) [2014]
[9] Two days National Seminar on “Quality Technical Education by TCET [2014]
[10] Three days Workshop on “Enhancing Education Productivity” by TCET [2015]
[11] STTP on Academic Excellence in the campus of 21st century by TCET [2017]
[12] Two weeks short term course (QIP) on Algebra, Analysis and application by IIT, BHU [2017]
[13] Two weeks FDP on Mathematical Methods and its application by NPTEL [2019]
[14] Two weeks FDP on Integral Transforms and their application by NPTEL [2019]
[15] One week FDP on Mathematical Methods for Boundary Value Problems by NPTEL [2019]
[16] One weed FDP on Scilab spoken tutorial by D J Sanghvi [2020]
[17] One weed FDP on Scilab spoken tutorial by TCET [2020]
[18] One weed FDP on Python spoken tutorial by TCET [2020]
Sports In charge at TCET during 2007-2013
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Lifetime Member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)
Languages known:
English, Hindi, Marathi