YOGA with Lee

Public and Private Yoga Classes

Group Yoga Classes

Leighanne teaches

at Yovana Yoga Studios

in Dalton & Calhoun, GA

sign up for a class 

Private Yoga Therapy

Retreats & YOGA Classes

With private yoga lessons, you'll focus in on your goals and get personalized instruction based on your health, body type and lifestyle—and on your time.

Students book private lessons for a variety of intentions, such as:

Grasping the basics of yoga (3+ sessions recommended)

Yoga Therapy for Scoliosis or BackPain

Developing confidence to practice in group settings

Tailoring their practice to benefit a sport or profession outside of the studio

Learning to modify a practice while healing from injury

Cultivating a therapeutic practice to manage or improve health issues like insomnia or low back pain

Receiving one-on-one attention in a private space

Deepening meditation practice

Diving into postures, whether you need special attention to master a challenging pose like headstand or perfect form in a fundamental pose like Chaturanga Dandasana


starting at $125.00 per hour for 1-5 people at your location.

Please contact me to schedule your session.


text me at (706) 383-9755

About Me

Leighanne Fulmer, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

Leighanne has been practicing yoga for over 40 years. She is a certified yoga therapist dedicated to teaching asana, pranayama, and meditation since 1998. Her style is gentle enough for the beginner yet challenges the experienced yogi with variations, attention to the breath, alignment, and meditation within each pose. As a Christian she encourages you to connect with God in all that you do, resting in His grace and love until each thought, breath, and movement becomes an act of worship.

Leighanne Fulmer

North Georgia 

Chatsworth, Dalton, Calhoun, &  Ellijay GA

and occasionally in Lebanon, Tennessee 

Phone: (706) 383-9755


Follow me: @yogawithlee