Beach Yoga

June and September are the best months to practice yoga in Barcelona

Every Wednesday, Meeting point at 8.25 in front of LFB in order to arrive at Gava Beach .

1 hour yogasan practice on the beach to make your body work out, to find your balance on the sand, to clear your mind and heart while listening to the serenity of the waves splashing on the beach.

When you combine the practice of breathing more deeply and fully with the crisp, fresh air at the beach, you’ll be cleaning out your lungs, bringing more oxygen to your body, and improving your overall energy.

Enjoy sunshine.

It’s a fact that most people don’t get enough vitamin D, a deficiency which could lead to health problems over time. The good news is that your body produces vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight–another perfect excuse to hit the beach for some yoga!

After the class we usually have a tea and a swim in the sea.

Lots of fun