About me

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota. I am also affiliated with the Department of Neurology at the Mayo Clinic. If you are a PhD, MS, or undergraduate student at UMN looking for research opportunities in computational health including machine learning, please reach out to me directly.

I obtained my Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) under the supervision of Prof. Ravi Iyer. During my graduate studies, I was fortunate to be mentored by Dr. Gregory Worrell at the Mayo Clinic through the Mayo-Clinic-Illinois Alliance. Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. I also spent a summer at Google and collaborated with the Google Accelerated Science and Medical Brain teams. My Ph.D. research was supported by a Mayo Clinic-Illinois Alliance Fellowship for Technology-based Healthcare Research and a Rambus Computer Engineering Fellowship. My Ph.D. thesis was chosen for the CSL Ph.D. Thesis Award by the Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL) in 2021. Prior to joining UMN, I was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at UIUC and a faculty affiliate at the Center for AI Innovations at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).

I am broadly interested in leveraging the recent advances in machine learning (ML) to improve the healthcare system. For my research studies, I work very closely with clinical experts to develop novel domain-guided ML applications that reduce physician burden, augment their capabilities, and enhance the overall patient experience while ensuring reliability, scalability, and trust. A particular focus area of my work has been on improving the treatments for neurological diseases, where we developed novel ML methods to model brain activity alterations in diseases such as Alzheimer's and epilepsy. If interested, please check out my lab webpage -- Health Intelligence Laboratory.

You can find my latest cv here and a list of my publications here.


Receiving the CSL Ph.D. Thesis Award 2021 with CSL Director Prof. Klara Nahrshdet and my advisor Prof. Ravi Iyer.

Receiving best student paper finalist award from Dr. Nigel Lovell of the IEEE.

Received the Rambus computer engineering fellowship certificate from dept. head Prof. William Sanders at the annual ECE award ceremony.

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